NOTES ON THE VAX READER PUNCH SYSTEM Included on the tape are three different programs for punching cards. RP_CARDPUNCH.COM reads a record from the input file and "writes" it to the reader/punch port. At the end of each record both a carriage return (CR) and a line feed (LF) are sent to the port. RP_CARDPUNCH_QUEUE.COM very simply treats the reader/punch as a printer and uses the system print command to "print" the input file at a queue (which must be previously initialized by the system manager) associated with the reader/punch port. Each record will have a CR and a LF at the end. It is possible that in some cases (depending on the input file type) additional LF's could be sent. These programs have the advantages of being simple, fast (especially the queue version), and easily modified since they are written in DCL. Also included is the executable image file, RP_PUNCH.EXE. This is a fairly simple program which sends records to the reader/punch port with only a CR at the end. It is almost certainly much faster than the punch, and will introduce much less overhead on the VAX. It is intended to do nothing more than pump the input records unmodified to the reader/punch. The VAX MACRO source code is included as sample code and in case some customizing is required. RP_MENU is based on a generic menu system which I intend to submit to the DECUS public domain library. The executable portion of this system is a "black box" which displays menu options defined in a menu definition file. RP_MENU.MDF is a text file which can be easily modified to change the appearance of the menu and the options it displays. The executable gets the user's choice and executes it based on the commands defined in the menu definition file. The simplest way to use the RP_ system is to execute the VMS command $ @RP_MENU This starts up the menu from which all functions can be performed. RP_CARDPUNCH will be executed to punch cards. More information on using and modifying RP_MENU is included in RP_MENU.DOC. Following is a list of alternative commands and their functions: @RP_CARDREADER Reads cards from port @RP_SET_FILE_NAME Defines file name logical (gets user input) @RP_SET_DEFAULT_VALUES Defines logicals used in system (gets user input) @RP_CARDPUNCH.COM Reads records, punches cards (might require firmware change) @RP_CARDPUNCH_QUEUE.COM Efficient way to punch (might require firmware change) RUN RP_PUNCH Reads records, punches cards (executable image, MACRO source included) RUN RP_MENU Not recommended. Use @RP_MENU