[SCHAFFRATH]$README.TXT Greetings everyone! I have been using DECUS software for about three years now and finally decided it was time to squeeze my disk for various programs I have written and see what would fall out. The following section lists the various programs and .COM files that I have included. No executables have been provided due to the current 'computer virus' problems in the industry. If compiling is a problem, I will accept requests to provide the executables and/or object code on an individual basis. Most if not all of the programs use features of VMS V5.0 and up. Any questions or comments on this software may be directed to: Robert G. Schaffrath, System Manager General Foods Corporation 250 North Street / MS RA-5S White Plains, NY 10625-0001 (914) 335-9792 ************************ D I S C L A I M E R ******************** The following notice and disclaimer applies to all the software in my submission: Copyright © 1989 by Robert G. Schaffrath, Glen Head, New York All Rights Reserved This software has been furnished free of charge, and may be used and copied only with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may be distributed or otherwise made available to any other person so long as there is no direct commercial profit derived from such distribution. No title to and ownership of this software is hereby transferred. The information in this software is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by the copyright holder. This software is provided as-is and neither the author or his employers assume responsibilty for any damage or losses incurred through the use of this program. ***************************************************************** [SCHAFFRATH.COM] This directory contains a collection of various .COM files I have developed. Normally, I find DCL programming to be 'a hack' and would not consider including .COM files in a distribution. However, since others do it, why not me? So here are some (useless?) command procedures. BACKUPS.COM This procedure will display the backup status of all mounted disks. May or may not require SYSPRV if the MFD is protected against read access. BATCH_CHECK.COM This procedure gives an example of checking for active batch jobs using the F$GETQUI lexical function. DEVCHAR.COM This procedure will display all known characteristics of a specified device. DSVBUILD.COM This procedure will reload the DECnet database with the load information for all DECservers that are defined in DSVCONFIG.DAT. PRINTER_CHECK.COM Similar to BATCH_CHECK.COM, this procedure will check for active print jobs. RCF.COM This procedure will perform an NCP CONNECT command after validating the specified server information stored in DSVCONFIG.DAT. STS.COM This procedure will display all known process status flags that are enabled for a specified PID. TIME.COM This procedure will produce a fancy date/time printout. A rather droll piece of DCL coding. ***************************************************************** [SCHAFFRATH.IDLE-MONITOR] This program would fall into the category of 'yet another idle terminal killer'! This program, written in BASIC, provides several features gleaned from other implementations. It also provides a feature allowing the system manager to query it's internal database about the status of all known processes, zero idle counters for specific processes and reload it's database of processes to ignore. Please read IDLE-MONITOR.DOC for more information. IDLE-MONITOR.BAS This is the source file. It was written for use under BASIC V3.3. IDLE-MONITOR.COM This is the startup procedure for running Idle-Monitor. Edit it to suit your site. IDLE-MONITOR.DOC This is the documentation for Idle- Monitor. IMC.BAS This is the Idle-Monitor Control program. It is used to communicate with the running Idle-Monitor program. IMC.HLP This is the online help for IMC. It should be inserted into IMC.HLB and stored in SYS$HELP. IMC_COMMANDS.CLD This is the .CLD file to be linked with IMC. Perform a SET COMMAND/OBJECT to create the object code and link it with IMC. ***************************************************************** [SCHAFFRATH.INTERNALS] Several interesting internals programs. NOLOGINS.MAR This program will prevent the job controller from prompting for username and password. The behavior is identical to login attempts made when the system is booting up. To clear the setting, simply perform a SET LOGIN/INTERACTIVE=n. SECURE.MAR This program will set the bit TT2$M_SYSPASSWORD on a specified terminal port. It is intended for use with the template devices LTA0 and NVA0 although it will probably work with 'real' devices. This will allow system passwords for devices which would not normally have them. SECUREMSG.MSG Message file for SECURE.MAR. UNIT_SEED.MAR This program will reset the counter for a template device so that all new units start at 1. As an example, as a system is used, it is not uncommon to see unit numbers like LTA723: or VTA296:. After execution, new units will start out as LTA1: and VTA1:. UNSECURE.MAR A program to disable syspassword settings made by SECURE.MAR. USERNAME.MAR This program will allow the user to change his/her username. USERNAME.CLD .CLD for use with USERNAME.MAR. USERNAMEMSG.MSG Message file for use with USERNAME.MAR. ***************************************************************** [SCHAFFRATH.LMF] Some interesting little tid-bits dealing with the License Management Facility. FORMAT_PAK.COM This procedure will take the output of a LICENSE ISSUE command and format it to look similar to a PAK provided by DEC. LICENSE_SERVICE.HLP Documentation on the use of the services SYS$GRANT_LICENSE and SYS$RELEASE_LICENSE. ***************************************************************** [SCHAFFRATH.MAILVIEW] MAILVIEW.BAS This program will allow a user to read his/her mail messages in a screen oriented environment. It allows for the selection of mail folders and messages via the arrow keys. In addition, it will allow a privileged user to read someone elses mail. This program, as yet, does not use the callable MAIL interface. (It will at some point in time) MAILVIEW.DOC This is the documentation for MAILVIEW. Unfortunately, it is one minor revision behind. Documentation is missing for the left and right arrow keys which scroll a long message. ***************************************************************** [SCHAFFRATH.MISC] Various programs that were too small to break into their own category. LATPORT.BAS This program will read the DECserver port information for a specified device via a call to SYS$QIOW. The functionality of this program was replaced by the new $GETDVI item DVI$M_TT_ACCPORNAM. However, it does return the LAT$LINK value which is not currently available via $GETDVI. But does anyone really care about that information? RDMODEM.BAS This program will read the modem control signals of a specified port and display them in a readable format (similar to a break-out box). ***************************************************************** [SCHAFFRATH.PCBFLAGS] This code will allow a user with $CMKNRL to change various process flags in the Process Control Block. For example, you can make a BATCH job INTERACTIVE, enable full security auditing on a process, attempt to remove processes stuck in Resource Wait by setting the 'no resource wait' attribute. PCBFLAGS.BAS Source code. PCBFLAGS.CLD DCL Command definition. PCBFLAGS_KERNEL.MAR Kernel mode code to be linked with PCBFLAGS.BAS. ***************************************************************** [SCHAFFRATH.UAF] Several programs to do interesting things with the User Authorization file. UAFDEF.TXT User Authorization File Record format and definitions for use with the BASIC language. UAFLOGIN.BAS This program will allow the privileged user to scan the UAF for logins which occurred on or after a specified date. UAFSCAN.BAS This program will allow the privileged user scan the UAF for those usernames with a non-zero login failure count. UAFZAP.BAS This program will allow the privileged user to change parameters in the UAF which are not normally modifyable. These parameters are: login failure count, date/time of last interactive and non- interactive login, and the date/time of the last password changes. [End of $README.TXT]