-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH The NEW EVEDT Editor. More than just an enhanced EVE editor. FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All major EDT keypad functions are IDENTICAL ! EVEDT ADVANTAGES over EDT include: 1) No more waiting for the cursor to catch up with you 2) Split Screens 3) Insert AND Overstrike modes 4) Rectangular cut & paste 5) Keystroke Learning 6) Command Repeat 7) Spawn to a subprocess from within the editor 8) Execute a DCL command from within the editor 9) Context sensitive constructs inserted with a single key sequence 10) Print a selected range from within a buffer being edited 11) Translate non-printable or multinational characters for printing 12) Automatically set matching characters for (),<>,[], etc. 13) And much, much more! Just listen to these unsolicited testimonials: ... I will be able to use this a whole lot. ... I have had the need for this in the past... ... I did not recognize this as an implementable function. ... a fantastic addition... ... I look forward to enjoying... ... I'll buy 6 and order 10 for later. ... thanks, Steve. Don't delay, send check, cash, money order today; or avoid C.O.D. charges and call toll free 1-800-NEW-EVEDT and have your credit card handy. Or save your toll free charges and contact me directly. Avoid the middle man and obtain your own copy of the EVEDT documentation directly from: DISK$2:[SHAPIRO.USERS.EVE]EVEDTDOC.MEM. But wait, there's more: By copying today, you may obtain at no extra charge, an EVEDT quick reference chart: DISK$2:[SHAPIRO.USERS.EVE]QUICKREF.TXT