XSEARCH command specification: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYNTAX: $ XSEARCH [-fn -cn -s -sg -n -oFILE] file-spec search-spec PARAMETERS: -fn find the first n occurances of search-spec -cn search only in column n -s create a symbol for each output line in the process symbol table -sg create a symbol for each output line in the global symbol table -n supress showing filename for each file (if NOT using -s) -oFILE file to use for output, default is the screen file-spec may contain wild-card characters search-spec = [~]string1 [|,& [~]string2 |,& ... ] using the -s parameter will create symbols of the form: xsearch_000 = "number of finds" xsearch_001 = "line 1" xsearch_002 = "line 2" . . . xsearch_nnn = "line n" a maximum of 255 symbols will be created, even though there they may be more matches in the file --------------------------------------------------------------------------