SPRING 1991 DECUS VAX SIG TAPE SUBMISSIONS FROM DAHLGREN VAX LUG Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren, Virginia 22448 For each submission, all of the sources are present. The sources, and other files necessary to build the products from their sources, are compressed. See SOURCES.0README for more information. Most of the programs are written in Fortran, and require object library NXXXLIB (whose sources are also present) to link. Each product has a command procedure (named product.BUILD) to build the product from sources. Several of the programs require some site-specific configuring, often edit- ing a .CLD file. I believe everything should work without tinkering if you set your default directory to this directory, and define logical name HERE to be this directory. I. Submissions from Alan Zirkle, NSWC Code K55 (703) 663-8023 Dahlgren, VA 22448 SD -- SET/SHOW DEFAULT -- This version of SD is related to Dale Coy's excellent version, in that they both descend from a common ancestor. This incorporates his features, plus several new ones. Read SD.0README and SD.HLP for further information. LET -- Related to SD. A shorthand DEFINE command for defining logical names. Read LET.HLP for more information. To use, first execute the command $ LET == "$dev:[dir]LET". SDDRAW -- Related to SD. Creates a file containing the structure diagram of a directory tree, like SD * displays on the screen. Has options for different printers (the /X9700 option, for Xerox 9700, will not be useful to anybody except as a guide for how to add support for your own unique printer). MODIFY -- Performs string replacement in a wild-card group of files. Has many features not found in the version in the DECUS VMS Startup Set. Read MODIFY.HLP for more information. To use, first execute the command $ SET COMMAND MODIFY. REFORMAT -- Copies a file, optionally performing many types of conver- sions in the process. Read REFORMAT.HLP for more info. To use, first execute the command $ SET COMMAND REFORMAT. SPCOPY -- Copies or prints a file, performing either or both of the following conversions: transforms all non-printable char- acters to printable mnemonics (ESC -> ""), and divides the file into pages with page headings. Read SPCOPY.HLP for more information. To use, first execute the command $ SET COMMAND SPCOPY. TP_LOGIN -- Two-person login; a program to go in SYLOGIN.COM to enforce a "two-man rule"; login cannot complete until a second user enters a valid username/password. More general than the SYSUAF Secondary Password feature, and site-tailorable. See TP_LOGIN.TXT. XDCL -- Saves/restores the DCL Command Recall buffer. Read XDCL.HLP for more information. To use, first execute the command $ SET COMMAND XDCL. FDIFF -- Generates a report showing the differences, over time, of the contents of a directory structure. FDIFF shows the names of files which have been deleted, added, or modified since the last time FDIFF was run on the directory structure. Has an exclusion list. Includes example for monitoring a System Disk. See FDIFF.HLP and FDIFF.CLD for more information. To use, first execute $ SET COMMAND FDIFF. The example is FDIFF_SYSTEM_DISK.*. SYSMSG -- Utility called from SYLOGIN.COM for interactive users to dis- play system messages. Allows scrolling if the messages are longer than one screen. Requires user response to continue; nobody can use the excuse that the message scrolled by too fast. User can supress already-read messages. SYSMSG.HLP has more info. To use, first execute $ SET COMMAND SYSMSG. VGRAPH -- A very, very simple viewgraph producer for PrintServer 20 and 40 printers. Uses PostScript. Read VGRAPH.HLP for more information. To use, first execute $ SET COMMAND VGRAPH. Two sample input files *.VIEW are included. Program may require tailoring to conform to your print queues. NXXXLIB -- Subroutine library needed to link the above programs. Many of the routines may be useful to you in other applications. The library and its sources are in the compressed sources file; see SOURCES.0README for more information. II. Submissions from Jay Jenkins, SYNETICS (703) 663-7634 24 Danube Drive King George, VA 22485 The sources are compressed; read SOURCES.0README. CPQ -- (Check Print Queues) Background process to check print queues for STOPPED, STALLED, or PAUSED status. We use for notification of serial printer problems. SYSDSK_MON - (System Disk Monitor) Monitors space on the system disk and sends message to console when free block percentage falls too low. UPTIME -- Command procedure to display the time since booting of nodes on a VAXcluster. CHKUSR -- Checks a specified user to see if they are enabled or not. Useful for checking status of FIELD and other such accounts, and to quickly check when users complain that they can not log in. DDT -- (Display Disk Transactions) Gives an SMG generated display of disk transaction on the current node. SESSIONS -- Contains SESSIONS which displays the # of interactive and batch sessions a user has on a cluster. Privileged users may check status of other users. Also contains SSESSIONS, for enforcing single sessions for users having the restric- ted flag set; prevents multiple logins. These files are in subdirectory [.SESSIONS]; you must edit the .CLD file. SPACE -- Gives an SMG generated display of disk free space, total space, error count, plus much more. You can specify the disks to include on the command line, which is nice for sites without FORTRAN compiler. REGIS -- Contains three files that can be TYPEd on REGIS terminals. ENDFILE -- Useful for quick-checking logs where the only thing you are worried about is the last few lines where the final status is displayed. BELL -- Rings the terminal bell without destroying the screen. Used for letting you know when a lengthy process has completed. PIC -- Terminal pictures; TYPE them. Some require a REGIS terminal.