DECUS France 5 Décembre 1991 This is the DECUS France contribution to the VAX/L&T sig tapes, covering spring and fall 1991. All the submissions runs under a system. See the associated NOTES in [FRANCE_1991.NOTES_91A]. The file is structured, for exemple Notes : RESEAUX 379 means : see the note NOTES_RESEAUX.0379. In French RESEAUX means NETWORKS and PROGRAMMATHEQUE means PROGRAMM LIBRARY. The French Library Coordinator Nicolas DIAKONOFF -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : This file. Auteur : DIAKONOFF_N Notes : PROGRAMMATHEQUE 70 AAA_LIRE_91A_VMS.;2 * This file for the international programm library. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Replace the DEC Logo at login time. Auteur : FOUCHET_F Notes : DECWINDOW 151 CHAMPS.BCK;1 * Save set. CHAMPS.DOC;1 * Documentation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : French version of COMPRESS with news functionalities like U*IX. Auteur : FAUCONNET_A Notes : VAX_VMS 1015 / 1212 / 1320 * Add two options : -i and -r : * * -i: Image mode (defined only under MS-DOS and VMS). Prevents * conversion between UNIX text representation (LF line * termination) in compressed form and MS-DOS text * representation (CR-LF line termination) in uncompressed * form. Useful with non-text files. * * -r rsize Output file record size (defined only under VMS). * Defines RMS record size for output file when image * mode is specified. Output will be fixed record size * file with no record attributes. Implies -i. COMPRESS.BCK;1 * Save set of COMPRESS (Sources, Objets, Executable). COMPRESS.DOC;1 * Documentation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Presentation Sig Réseau 19/12/90 on EMA in French. Auteur : ROGGEBAND_P Notes : RESEAUX 379 DECMCC_19_12_90.PS;1 * Presentation in Postscript. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Reading and display the Home Block. Auteur : OURGHANLIA_B Notes : VAX_VMS 1221 DISPLAY : This example MACRO program will read, format, and print to SYS$OUTPUT the contents of a disk homeblock and storage control block. It requires read access to both INDEXF.SYS and BITMAP.SYS. It prompts for the disk name. DISPLAY.MAR;1 * Source. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : DM$SD Correction BUG of V00256 from Dale E. COY Auteur : GRACIA_J Notes : PROGRAMMATHEQUE 7 DM$SD_C.BCK;1 * Backup save set for SDTree_Subs.FOR et SDTree_Subs.OBJ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Patch editor to modify the files in HEXA and ASCII mode. Auteur : LAKS_J Notes : VAX_VMS 1096 EDP.DOC;1 * Documentation du produit. EDP.SAV_Z;1 * Save set compressé contenant le produit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Configure a VMS node to access InfoServer based disks. Auteur : OURGHANLIA_B Notes : VAX/VMS 1276 This command file sets up the environment needed to use InfoServers. It should be run interactively by the system manager. The command file operates interactively unless invoked with P1 and/or P2 input parameters. P1 is set to the "interact" variable and if "Y" is specified, interactive mode will be entered without asking. If P2 is specified as "Y", command mode is entered. If P3 is entered as "Y" then BOOKREADER libraries will automatically be added when detected in both interactive and command modes. See help below. ESS$CONFIGURE.COM;1 * Procédure DCL. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Network meeting October 1990. Presentations. Auteur : GROSSETETE_P Notes : RESEAUX 360 FDDI.PS;1 * Presentation on FDDI. ROUTAGE.PS;1 * Presentation on Routing DECnet Phase V. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Disks, files, free spaces and fragmentation. Auteur : FOUCHET_F - PETIT_JP Notes : VAX/VMS 1092 / 1270 FRAG_FREE.MAR;1 * Display free space on a disk. FRAG_LIST.MAR;1 * Display files with n extension headers. SHOW_LBN.MAR;1 * Display the map area of files. ODS-2.PS_Z;1 * Presentation in French on the ODS 2 structure. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Get three longwords from the target and return to the caller. Auteur : OURGHANLIA_B Notes : VAX_VMS 1091 GET3 : Goes into kernal mode, builds an ACB from nonpaged pool, queues a special kernal mode AST to the target process so that the target process can copy the data the acb extension. Then the ACB is turned around and the caller is issued a special kernal mode AST with the data. This code runs in kernal mode at IPL$_ASTDEL and IPL$_SYNCH. While this code is running at elevated IPL, comments will start with two semicolons rather than one for IPL 0. GET3.C;1 * "Brico" utilisant la technique qui consiste à allouer GET3_CLI.CLD;1 * un bout de npp, créer dedans un ACB, y inclure le code GET3_MAC.MAR;1 * à faire exécuter et poster l'AST pour que le process GET_GENERIC.FOR;1 * cible l'exécute. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Get caller's number of args Auteur : FOUCHET_F Notes : VAX_VMS 1297 This routine get the number of arguments passed to the routine whitch call it. Previous AP is found using Call Frame (pointed by FP). The call stack frame, described in "VAX Architecture Reference Manual", page 89. GET_NUMBER_OF_ARGS.MAR;1 * Source. IS_ARG_DEFINED.MAR;1 * Test if a parameter is defined. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Alias table for X400 adresses for VAX MAIL. Auteur : GERARD_G Notes : VAX_VMS 1288 GMAIL.BCK;1 * Save set. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Setup a condition handler at image startup time. Auteur : FOUCHET_F Notes : VAX_VMS 1101 This module setup a condition handler at image startup time. This condition handler will be called by VMS for each error not dismissed by a previous condition handler. To setup the condition handler, just link this module with your code (no call neccessary), and with a routine nammed CONDITION_HANDLER. INIT_HANDLER.DOC;1 * Documentation. INIT_HANDLER.MAC;1 * Source. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Adds, removes, modifies or lists "user labels" attached to a file Auteur : COLLOT_JY Notes : VAX_VMS 941 This utility gives to the users an opportunity of attaching any kind of comment to a file. $ LABEL [/quals] file(s) [comment] The maximum size of the label is 120 characters. Those labels are kept by the BACKUP utility, but not by COPY. file(s) : Specifies the file (or files) to be searched for adding, modifying or listings labels. You may use the wildcard specification (* or %). DECnet access is not supported. comment : Specifies the label you want to give to your file(s). This parameter is required with the /MODIFY qualifier. /ALL : If this qualifier is present on the command line, all files mat- ching the specification are listed, even those which have no label. /OUTPUT : Specifies a file name for the output listing. /SYMBOL : Creates the named DCL symbol and equates it to the label of the specified file. /MODIF : Specifies that the text provided as the second parameter of the command is to be included as a label for all the files specified by the first parameter. /EDIT : If you use this qualifier, for each file being modified, the old label is dispayed on the screen, and can be edited using the standard keys (arrows, etc...) /LOG : Controls whether the LABEL command displays the file specification of the files being modified. LABEL_ACE.BCK;1 * Save set. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : How to print a Word file on a LN03 ? Auteur : GALLAUSIAUX Notes : PC 148 LASERPREP.PS;1 * Explanations in french. Postscript format. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : New functionality for LAT VMS 5.4-1 Auteur : OURGHANLIA_B / FOUCHET_F - JOLIN_R Notes : VAX_VMS 1119 - 1280 / VAX_VMS 1100 KERMIT_CONNECT : This module is an interface to KERMIT, allowing automatic transfert betwheen two VAXes. LAT.COM;2 * \ LATSYM$SETUP.C;1 * > Procedures for LAT / VMS 5.4-1 LAT_CONNECT.COM;1 * / KERMIT_CONNECT.MAR;1 * Equivalent exemple to SET HOST/DTE. LAT_PORTAL.BCK;1 * Connect two VAXes via 2 async. ports with Ethernet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Open the MAIL file from an other user. Auteur : OURGHANLIA_B Notes : VAX_VMS 1187 MALL : This example demonstrates using the callable interface to VMS MAIL to move messages from one folder to another. It will also update the newmail count field if the NEWMAIL folder is selected. The program will prompt for a username and mailfile name. It will then display a list of folders in that mailfile, allow the user to select a folder, target folder and a message number. MALL.C;2 * Exemple in C using MAIL$USER. COPY_FOLDER.C;3 * Including the current documentation deficencies ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Commands U*IX makedepend for VMS. Auteur : PIERRONNE_J Notes : VAX_VMS 1208 MKDEPEND.BCK;1 * Save set. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Physical memory : total, free and in use.. Auteur : FOUCHET_F Notes : VAX_VMS 991 MONITOR_MEMORY.MAR;1 * Source. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : The QIO interface of NETACP (No documented by DEC). Auteur : FOUCHET_F Notes : RESEAUX 403 / VAX_VMS 1230 NETACP.BAS;1 * Exemple in Basic. NETACP.DOC;2 * Documentation in French. REACH.MAR;2 * Program to probe reachability of a remote node. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : VAX/VMS Null Printer Device Driver Auteur : COLLOT_JY Notes : VAX_VMS 951 NULDRIVER.MAR;1 * Source. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Boot date, Elapse time, Inactivity time, # active process. Auteur : KERMA_G Notes : OISIF.FOR;1 * Source Fortran of the subprogramm.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Set the ownership of a file while the file has been locked by another user. Auteur : OURGHANLIA_B Notes : VAX_VMS 1104 OWNER.B32;1 * Source in BLISS32. OWNER.CLD;1 * ... Define verb owner ... OWNER.MAR;1 * Source in macro-32. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Fixes bug and adds new functionality for PARMQUAL. Auteur : OURGHANLIAN_B / PERROT_B Notes : VAX/VMS 678.* / VAX_VMS 1278 This program is designed to be used inside command procedures. It parses the arguments passed to the procedure (the DCL Symbols P1 through P8), which are assumed to be in the format of DCL command parameters and qualifiers. PARMQUAL.SAV;1 * Save set (.FOR, .OBJ et .EXE) PARMQUAL.TXT;1 * Documentation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Pipe Driver for VMS. Auteur : OURGHANLIA_B Notes : VAX_VMS 1232 PIPEDRIVR.EXE;1 * Only the executable for VMS 5.4. PIPEDRIVR_V53.EXE;1 * Only the executable for VMS 5.3. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : How to use SYSMAN to manage the startup procedure. Auteur : LECOMPTEBO_M Notes : VAX-VMS 1300 PRES_STARTUP.PS;1 * Documentation in Postscript. LIST_STARTUP.COM;1 * Full listing of the databases in startup. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Exemples of PSI security. Auteur : GERARD_G Notes : DECUS 196 PSI_SECURITY.COM;1 * Procedure for PSI security. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Display Username and Personal name form VMSMAIL_PROFILE.DATA Auteur : PETIT_JP, DIAKONOFF_N Notes : PROGRAMMATHEQUE 81 QUI.BCK;1 * Full distribution in French. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : File attributs recovery and select a file. Auteur : QUIVOGNE_L Notes : DECUS 188 RETURN_FILE_ATTRIBUTES.COB;1 * Source Cobol. RETURN_FILE_ATTRIBUTES.OBJ;1 * and the Objet. FIND_FILE_WITH_SELECTION.COB;1 * Select a file with some attributs. FIND_FILE_WITH_SELECTION.OBJ;1 * Objet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Select the path with VMS 5.4 et VMS FMR (Futur Major Release). Auteur : OURGHANLIA_B Notes : VAX_VMS 1144 1340 SELECTPATH : VMS has added preferred path selection QIO to V5.4 of VMS. This MACRO program provides a DCL foreign command line interface to this QIO. PREFER : VMS Version 5.4 allows you to select a preferred disk path at mount time or force a preferred disk path (move a disk that is already mounted to its preferred path) through the use of a new $QIO function called IO$_SETPRFPATH and its function modifier IO$M_FORCEPATH. This applies to RA series disks and disks accessed through the MSCP server. Although VMS does not provide preferred path functionality at the command line level, this article contains a MACRO program called PREFER.MAR and its DCL command line interface PREFER.CLD which provide access to the IO$_SETPRFPATH QIO. Future version of VMS will contain these programs in SYS$EXAMPLES. HSCCMD : This program will issue one command to an HSC via a DUP connection. The command to be sent is read via the DCL foreign command line interface. This allows "one-liners" to be issued from command procedures (and batch jobs). SELECTPATCH.MAR;2 * Source. PREFER.CLD;1 * \ PREFER.MAR;1 * > functionality for CRONIC V600 [VMS FMR]. PREFER.TXT;2 * / HSCCMD.MAR;1 * Source. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Open a window and define a cursor. Auteur : FOUCHET_F Notes : DECWINDOW 139 SHOW_CURSOR.C;2 * Source in C. SHOW_CURSOR.DOC;1 * Documentation in French. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Search and find the meaning of a message by the number. Auteur : FOUCHET_F Notes : VAX/VMS 1041 SHOW_ERROR.COM;4 * DCL procedure. SHOW_ERROR.DOC;1 * Documentation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Recover the Secondary Status Value. Auteur : OURGHANLIA_B Notes : RESEAUX 81 STV.MAR;3 * Source. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Trace errors in programms. Auteur : FOUCHET_F Notes : VAX_VMS 1113 TRACEBACK : This module is designed to replace DEC default traceback handler. It's called by VMS when an unhandled error occurs. Activation is made trought the LIB$TRACE logical (witch point to this file). As decribed in the VMS Microfiches (module TBKSTART), a special vector must be present at address 0. This vector describe the data portion of the image (starting and ending address) and the image entry point (in the third longword). It also seems to be neccessary to define the image first transfert vector to this entry point. TRACE.BCK;1 * Save set. TRACE.DOC;1 * Documentation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Procedure to find very easily a title into NOTES. Auteur : FOUCHET_F Notes : DECUS 186 UPDATE_NOTES_TITLE.COM;1 * Procedure DCL. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : VMS 5.4 (210 pages) and VMS 5.4-1 in french. Auteur : OURGHANLIA_B Notes : VAX_VMS 1004 et VAX_VMS 1119 V54_DECUS_ALL.PS;1 * French presentation in Postscript for 5.4. V541_DECUS.PS;1 * French presentation in Postscript for 5.4-1. NEW_MEMMGT.PS;1 * French presentation of NEW MEMORY MANAGEMENT. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Memory management for VAX/VMS in french. Auteur : PETIT_JP Notes : VAX_VMS 1189 ET VAX_VMS 1136 VIRTUAL_MEMORY.PS;1 * Presentation in Postscript (1134 blocks). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : More informations about the locked files and the used files. Auteur : FOUCHET_F / MANET_P Notes : PROGRAMMATHEQUE 93 VMSLOCKS : This program will list all F11B$a file locks for a specified file. This is usefull to display all processes that have a file open on a cluster. RMSLOCKS : This program will list all RMS$ file locks for a specified file. This is usefull to display all processes that have a file open by RMS on a cluster. SHOW_CALLED_FILES : This program will list the files used by a DCL procedure. VMSLOCKS.MAR;1 * Utilisation des locks XQP. RMSLOCKS.MAR;2 * Utilisation des locks RMS. SHOW_CALLED_FILES.MAR;1 * Visualisation des fichiers utilisés par une proc. DCL. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : VMSTAR : a TAR reader/writer for VMS. Auteur : FAUCONNET_A Notes : VAX_VMS 948 VMSTAR is a TAR reader/writer for VMS. It can read archives ("tarfiles") created by the Un*x command "tar" and also create such archives. Tarfiles can be disk files or directly on tape. TAR2VMS and VMS2TAR have been merged into a single program. Made several improvements, bug fixes and message cleanup. For those who know TAR2VMS and VMS2TAR, the main differences are: o everything is now in a single program that can be used for extracting files from tar archives, listing the contents of tar archives or creating them. o VMSTAR now accepts a `f tarfile' option to explicitely specify the tarfile name (either a VMS file name or a VMS device name). o VMSTAR allows VMS-style wildcarded strings for Un*x-style file names to be specified when extracting from a tar archive. o VMSTAR will attempt to create relative tar archives i.e. archives where filenames are recorded as "./foo/bar/baz" whenever possible. o VMSTAR has a VMS help file (VMSTAR.HLP) that can be added to your HELPLIB.HLB to provide online help. VMSTAR.BCK;1 * Distribution of VMSTAR. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Some very usefully programms ... Auteur : BROWN_N Notes : DECUS 188 XCOPY.BCK;1 A program to copy files, with one major improvement on VMS COPY. Should the copy fail (for example, because one file is on a remote node, and the connection is lost), XCOPY returns (to SYS$OUTPUT, and DCL via symbols) sufficient information about the failure to enable the copy to be restarted from the point of failure. Only disk-to-disk transfers are supported. WHO.BCK;1 Invokes a program to display various attributes of processes on the local node, another cluster node, or any other node in the network. If you are running VMS V5.2 or higher, WHO uses cluster-wide system services for efficiency. Otherwise, you can still access other cluster nodes by using the DECnet access methods. WHO was written in response to a need to see which users in a network, where everyone had lots of privileges (developers !) and people tended to increase their base priority because they thought they were important. It has evolved into a general-purpose tool for examining the processes on the VMS systems in your network. PTT.BCK;1 Invokes a program to display and optionally correct various fields of the VMS MAIL user profile data file (VMSMAIL_PROFILE). PTT will normally be run by the system manager (with SYSPRV privilege) to correct problems in users' mail profiles. A non-privileged user can also run PTT, but will only have access to their own profile. TCOPY.BCK;1 A program to copy tapes. TCOPY allows direct tape-to-tape copies, on systems with more than one tape drive, or copying of tapes via an intermediate disk file. TCOPY allows you to make exact copies of VMS, Ultrix, diagnostic, and other tapes, without the need for two tape drives. If you have two drives, you can use TCOPY without any extra disk space. SHRIMG_STUFF.BCK;1 MAKE_XFER.COM Makes a transfer vector for all modules in library 'P1'. Assumes a module name is an entry point, which works OK for COBOL and FORTRAN, but may give problems with other languages. After creating the transfer vector, maintain it by hand. Running this file to re-create it will endanger programs already linked with the shareable library. If you do re-run this program, increase the major version of the shareable library to force relinking. NO_SHR_WRT.COM Takes a .MAP file (/FULL) from linking a shareable image, and generates the necessary PSECT_ATTR statements for a link options file to ensure that shareable writeable PSECTs become NOshareable. This is necessary for COBOL/FORTRAN shareable images which reference COMMON data areas. After generating the .OPT file, use it to rebuild the shareable image, and append it to the .OPT files of programs which link with the image. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECUS France 5 Décembre 1991 GRAPHIC APPLICATION SIG CATALOG =============================== Submissions between 1/06/91 to 15/11/91 on The VAX DECUS France. Commentaires : Few abstract of the purpose. Auteur : The person who submits the programm. Notes : See [FRANCE_1991.VAXF91B.NOTES_91B]NOTES_xxxx.yyyy where xxx is the name of the conference (ie DECUS, DIVERS, GRAPHIQUE, HARDWARE, PC, PROGRAMMATHEQUE, RESEAUX, UNIX and VMS); yyyy is four digits ( ie 70 = 0070) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : This file Auteur : DIAKONOFF_N Notes : PROGRAMMATHEQUE 70 AAA_LIRE_91B_GRAPH.;4 * This file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : PLOT_PS V4: A PostScript C graphic library. Auteur : VIBERT_JF Notes : PROGRAMMATHEQUE 98 et 112 PLOT_PS is a degraded version of PLOT_DPS, specifically designed for users not interested by the X Window possibilities of PLOT_DPS. Nevertheless, it is fully PLOT_DPS compatible, except for the X functions. PLOT_PS is a library of graphic C functions designed to build PostScript files from C programs. This library allows the production of graphics on a PostScript printer such as the DEC LN03R or any standard PostScript printer, or on an X window using Display-PostScript (DPS). All functions begin with the prefix ps_ and need to have the plot_ps.h header file included. The very first function to be called is ps_iniplot. It opens the postscript file, and allow to choose to plot in a PS file or on a PDS window, or both. PLOT_PS allows to work in both absolute (in cms) and user or subject space. PLOT_4_2.BCK;1 * Save set complet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECUS France 5 Décembre 1991 PC SIG CATALOG ============== Submissions between 1/06/91 to 15/11/91 on The VAX DECUS France. Commentaires : Few abstract of the purpose. Auteur : The person who submits the programm. Notes : See [FRANCE_1991.VAXF91B.NOTES_91B]NOTES_xxxx.yyyy where xxx is the name of the conference (ie DECUS, DIVERS, GRAPHIQUE, HARDWARE, PC, PROGRAMMATHEQUE, RESEAUX, UNIX and VMS); yyyy is four digits ( ie 70 = 0070) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : This file. Auteur : DIAKONOFF_N Notes : PROGRAMMATHEQUE 70 AAA_LIRE_91B_PC.;6 * This file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Two conversion programms : DEC et IBM-PC 8 bits Auteur : GARBASI_JP Notes : PC 195 ACDECIBM.C;1 * Source C : Conversion ASCII DEC to PC IBM. ACIBMDEC.C;1 * Source C : Conversion ASCII IBM PC to DEC. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : More than one Boot in CONFIG.SYS Auteur : PEYRARD_JC Notes : PC 234 BOOT142.ZIP;1 * Compress distribution. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Fix for DECstation warm start keyboard problem. Auteur : BROWN_N Notes : PC 167 On a DECstation 200/220 (others ?) and/or Olivetti M250, there is an intermittent problem whereby after a WARM boot (Ctrl-Alt-Del), the keyboard ignores the first keystroke typed. If this is the Ctrl (or Shift) part of (say) a Ctrl-C, the C will be given to the BIOS; otherwise the whole character is ignored. This problem is particularly prevalent on systems with DEPCAs and LK250s; for some reason AZERTY LK250s are more susceptible than QWERTYs. Anyway, thanks to a very diligent Digital Field Service person (who is not really responsible for this, but found the fix anyway, bravo, why can't Digital find a few more like him ?), I have a fix for this problem. It won't help people with diagnostics-level passwords, as it is run as part of AUTOEXEC.BAT, butI have found it useful. It is incredibly frustrating to explain to people the 1000's of benefits a move from VT to PC-based word processing will bring if they are going to let a minor thing like this upset them. LK250.BCK;1 * Save set. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Supervision of PCs across a DECnet-DOS network. Auteur : BROWN_N Notes : PC 200 SMILEY and MOLE - a PC monitoring system ---------------------------------------- SMILEY and MOLE (apologies to John le Carre, not that I expect he's reading this) are a pair of programs which allow you to monitor a PC across a DECnet-DOS network. You can perform the following functions: - see which files are open on the PC. - look at the top-level COMMAND.COM environment. - set variables in the top-level COMMAND.COM environment (ie, outside any currently running program). - reboot the remote PC (cold or warm start). - display the PC's screen. - if your monitoring system is a DOS PC, you can monitor the screen continuously and type as if you were on the remote keyboard (ZAP mode). MOLE is a small (about 1K) TSR which runs on a DECnet-DOS node. It listens for requests from SMILEY, an interactive program which can be run on another DOS PC or a VAX/VMS system. SMILEY.BCK;1 * Save set (sources, documentation, ...). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECUS France 5 Décembre 1991 ULTRIX SIG CATALOG ================== Submissions between 1/06/91 to 15/11/91 on The VAX DECUS France. Commentaires : Few abstract of the purpose. Auteur : The person who submits the programm. Notes : See [FRANCE_1991.VAXF91B.NOTES_91B]NOTES_xxxx.yyyy where xxx is the name of the conference (ie DECUS, DIVERS, GRAPHIQUE, HARDWARE, PC, PROGRAMMATHEQUE, RESEAUX, UNIX and VMS); yyyy is four digits ( ie 70 = 0070) The French Library Coordinator Nicolas DIAKONOFF -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : This file. Auteur : DIAKONOFF_N Notes : PROGRAMMATHEQUE 70 AAA_LIRE_91B_ULTRIX.;5 * This file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : File management for U*IX. Auteur : BERENGUIER_J Notes : UNIX 167 CVS12.TAR_Z;1 * Over RCS. RCS55.TAR_Z;1 * Managment versions and tree. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Format a floppy disk without privilege. Auteur : VIBERT_JF Notes : UNIX 194 / PROGRAMMATHEQUE 113 FD_UTIL.SHAR;1 * Full kit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECUS France 5 Décembre 1991 VMS SIG CATALOG =============== Submissions between 1/06/91 to 15/11/91 on The VAX DECUS France. Commentaires : Few abstract of the purpose. Auteur : The person who submits the programm. Notes : See [FRANCE_1991.VAXF91B.NOTES_91B]NOTES_xxxx.yyyy where xxx is the name of the conference (ie DECUS, DIVERS, GRAPHIQUE, HARDWARE, PC, PROGRAMMATHEQUE, RESEAUX, UNIX and VMS); yyyy is four digits ( ie 70 = 0070) The French Library Coordinator Nicolas DIAKONOFF -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : This file. Auteur : DIAKONOFF_N Notes : PROGRAMMATHEQUE 70 AAA_LIRE_91B_VMS.;4 * This file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Full package to create, manage and edit bibliographic databeses. Auteur : VIBERT_JF Notes : PROGRAMMATHEQUE 101 BIBLIO_README.1ST;1 * Abstract. BIBLIO_VMS.BCK;1 * Version VMS au format BACKUP. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : BROWSER is a tool to read Online documentation. Auteur : ALBERT_JN Notes : PROGRAMMATHEQUE 106 BROWSER.ALIRE;1 * Documentation in french. BROWSER.BCK;1 * Save set and documentation in English. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : HSC Cache Needs Analysis. Auteur : OURGHANLIA_B Notes : VAX_VMS 1521 CACHE_TEST.BCK;1 * Save_set. Read the documentation BEFORE. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Test the entry points sending/reading for MAIL. Auteur : BACH_J Notes : VAX_VMS 1355 CALLABLE_MAIL.PAS;1 * Source Pascal. PASCAL$MAIL_ROUTINE.PAS;1 * Declarations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Change via programm the form of a printer queue. Auteur : PELLE_PY (Via COLLOT_JY) Notes : VAX_VMS 1367 CHFORM.BCK;1 * Save_set (All in french). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Presentation from BO (our French Guru). French symposium 1991. All are in French and Postscript. Auteur : OURGHANLIA_B Notes : VAX_VMS 1366 DECAVAIL.PS;1 * Layered product DECavail. DECUS_POSIX.PS;1 * POSIX and Digital. DECWINDOWS_V3.PS;1 * DECWINDOWS Version 3. V55_DECUS.PS;1 * VMS Version 5.5. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Test a Postscript printer with accent lowercases. Auteur : JOLIN_R Notes : GRAPHIQUE 136 CONFIG_LASER.PS;1 * Test file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : New version for the DCL debugger. Auteur : QUIVOGNE_L Notes : DECUS 217 / VAX_VMS 1364 DEBUG_DCL.BCK;1 * Save set complet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Presentation DECnis 500/600 in french. Auteur : GROSSETETE_P Notes : RESEAUX 498 DECNIS.PS;1 * Presentation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Presentation from BO. October 1991. Auteur : OURGHANLIA_B Notes : DECUS_PM_1.PS;1 * Concepts for an open applications. DECUS_PM_2.PS;1 * Open system bye DEC on VMS and ULTRIX. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Presentation DECRam. Auteur : OURGHANLIA_B Notes : VAX_VMS 1498 DECRAM.PS;1 * Presentation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : This program acts as a control panel for a SCSI audio CD player. Auteur : OURGHANLIA_B Notes : VAX_VMS 1398 This program acts as a control panel for a SCSI audio CD player. It creates a workstation window with buttons for playing, pausing, selecting tracks, etc. The program uses the DECwindows toolkit routines to create and manage the display and its widgets (RDD42). DECW$CD.C;1 * Source en C. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Recover all informations about a file. Auteur : OURGHANLIA_B Notes : VAX_VMS 1441 / 1475 DIR_SLASH_FULL.C;1 * Source C. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : WatchDog for a cluster. Auteur : BROWN_N Notes : VAX_VMS 1354 DOG.BCK;1 * Save_set. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Look at global buffer hits more closely. Auteur : BROWN_N Notes : VAX_VMS 1376 GBLHIT.BCK;1 * Distribution Save set. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Manager for multi-windows. Auteur : QUIVOGNE_L Notes : DECUS 229 GMENU.BCK;1 * GMENU011.A and GMENU011.B (VMS install). GMENU.TXT;1 * Documentation in french. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : HOT_FILES with multi-processors. Auteur : OURGHANLIA_B / FOUCHET_F / PANNETIER_AM Notes : VAX_VMS 966 HOT_FILES_SMP.B32;1 * Source Bliss. HOT_FILES_SMP.MAR;1 * Source MACRO-11. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Presentation : Lock Manager VMS. Auteur : COLLOT_JY Notes : VAX_VMS 1409 LCKMGR.PS;1 * Presentation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : SUBMIT/USER without a priviligied account. Auteur : PELLE_PY (Via COLLOT_JY) Notes : VAX_VMS 1367 LCTBATCH.BCK;1 * Save_set. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : LOG_PORT is a small program to allow the terminal server and port id to show up in the accounting file. Auteur : BROWN_N Notes : DIVERS 165 LOG_PORT.BCK;1 * Full kit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Automatic connection in MAIL if new mail. Auteur : QUIVOGNE_L Notes : VAX_VMS 1423 MAIL_INSPECT.COM;1 * Generate file for COBOL sources. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Multi Yield Editor based on TPU version 1.1. Auteur : BERENGUIER_A Notes : VAX_VMS 1092 It is my eve, this is for emulate all fonctions than i use on edt. M U L T I Y I E L D E D I T O R Increase yield of programmers by decrease the hit of keys. Many COMMANDS : Ascii, Display_Character, Edit, Format_Help, Format_Ident, Format_Isole_Word, Format_Word, Globalset_Start_Line, Hextype, Include, Indent_Columns, Indent_Tab, Load_Selected, Macro, Rol_Edit, Scratch, Sort_Buffer, Substitute, Translate_Spaces_To_Tabs, Translate_Tabs_To_Spaces, Word_Column, Word_Mcolumn, Zcnl, Znl. KEYS_FUNCTIONS : Assign_Go_Buffer, Blue_Keypad, Date, Get_Lis, Get_Log, Get_Ruler, Goto_Last, Go_Buffer, Make_Signature, Mye_Cmd, Swap_Char, Toggle_Screen_Update, Toggle_Tabs, Toggle_Timer, Toggle_Wrap, Word_Format, Word_Space, Word_Toggle. MYE_TPU.BCK;1 * Distribution of MULTI_YIELD_EDITOR. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Utility to collect information about the size and ownership of files. New functionnalities. Auteur : RICHARD_M Notes : VAX_HARDWARE 216 This program examines the file header file (INDEXF.SYS) to retrieve information about the largest files strored on disk and who owns them. Back link pointers in the INDEXF.SYS file are followed to obtain a complete directory specification. NEWFILES.BCK;1 * Save set de la distribution. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : OPCOM catcher. Auteur : OURGHANLIA_B ; BROWN_N Notes : VAX/VMS 1445 OPCOM_CATCHER.TXT;1 * Original from BO. OPCOM_CATCHER2.TXT;1 * Modifications from NB. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Presentation "Techniques to optimize RMS". Auteur : LECOMPTEBO_M (Mathieu LECOMPTE-BOINET) Notes : VAX_VMS 1390 PRES_RMS.PS;1 * Presentation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : PSICOPY Version 2.1. New functionalities. Auteur : GERARD_G Notes : DECUS 196 PSICOPY021.A;3 * PSICOPY Version 2.1. PSICOPY_BOOT.MAR;1 * Bootable version to get the full PSICOPY kit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Test the CPS 4.0 on APPLE. Auteur : ALBERT_JN Notes : VAX_HARDWAE 226 PS_STATUS.COM;1 * Test file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Remote" cat via a TCP connection. Auteur : FAIPOT_L Notes : RESEAUX 502 RCAT.C;1 * Source C with english documentation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : RECALL more than 40 DCL commands. Auteur : QUIVOGNE_L Notes : VAX_VMS 1457 RECALL.COM;1 * Construct RECALL.EXE (Foreign command). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Patch for fixe a RMS-F-IRC on MAIL.MAI Auteur : OURGHANLIA_B Notes : VAX_VMS 1392 RMS_FIX.EXE;1 * Patch generator. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Fixe a bug on SET VOLUME/REBUILD=FORCE Auteur : OURGHANLIA_B Notes : VAX_VMS 1432 SET.CLD;1 * For DCLTABLE. SET.EXE;1 * Executable V5.4-2R02 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Forces the target to set itself in NO RESOURCE WAIT MODE. Auteur : PANNETIER_AM Notes : VAX_VMS 1357 SET_PROC_NO_RWMOD.MAR;1 * Source in MACRO-32. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Utility for SHUTDOWN the system like the startup. Auteur : PERROT_B Notes : VAX_VMS 1469 SHUTDOWN$README.1ST;1 * Documentation. SHUTDOWN.BCK;1 * Full kit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Symbolize offsets, bit mask, bit position, field size. Auteur : FOUCHET_F Notes : VAX_VMS 1319 SYMBOLIZE_MACRO_CODE.TPU;1 * Source TPU file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : UCX security Auteur : GERARD_G Notes : RESEAUX 488 TCPFILTER.MAR;1 * Source in MACRO-32. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Translate characters MCS <---> DOS ASCII Auteur : BROWN_N Notes : VAX_VMS 1350 TRANSLATE.BCK;1 * Backup (Source, objet,exe, .HLP et .CLD) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Recovery deletes files. French version. Auteur : GARBASI_JP, BROWN_N, LECOMPTEBO_M (From COLLOT_JY) Notes : VAX_VMS 1428 ; URGENT 128 UNDEL.BCK;1 * Full kit. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Version number of an image. Auteur : KERMA_G Notes : RESEAUX 461 VERSION.COM;1 * DCL procedure. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commentaires : Set to 0 the LTA number. Auteur : SPITALIER_A Notes : VAX_VMS 1483 ZEROLTA.COM;1 * DCL procedure. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------