Hi. These are some very quick and terse notes for using this auto-dialer: 1. Modify the file DIALER.CFG as appropriate. Dialer assumes a Hayes compatible modem, but the config file allows you to customize the init string, terminal port, etc... The format of the file is: Wherever this file ends up being located, the system logical DIALER_CONFIG must be defined to point to it. 2. Peruse DIALER.COM, DIALME.COM, and DIAL_AUTO.COM. In the first two files, you'll want to be sure that the appropriate batch queue is referenced, as well as the location of DIALER.EXE if it is not placed in SYS$SYSTEM. 3. This stuff was designed to be used to schedule modem calls to a remote modem, but can just as easily be used to have your modem call a pager. Just be sure to include apropriate modem pause characters in the number string. For this use, the dial_auto.com procedure would be used. 4. Generic usage as designed is for the person scheduling a call to invoke DIALME.COM interactively. DIALME, in turn, submits a batch job using DIALER.COM, which in turn makes the call at the scheduled time. WHen testing the setup, just run DIALER.COM interactively, and when you are satisfied your configuration is working, you are set to use it either for modem calls or pager calls as desired. It has been tested with a variety of modems over time, but the code is relatively straightforward if tweaking is needed. I apologize for lack of any better docs, but I coded this up quickly when I needed it, and never intended to share it, so... :) I will field questions as I can... Just send them to mcdonald@cmrsd.nrl.navy.mil, (