From: MERC::"uunet!WKUVX1.BITNET!FILESERV-Mgr" 10-APR-1992 11:56:53.45 To: galaxy::gleeve CC: Subj: FILESERV_TOOLS.README Package FILESERV_TOOLS contains the following files: DEHEXIFY.MAR A small MACRO-32 program that converts hexified files back to their original form. To use this program, simply assemble it and link it: $ MACRO DEHEXIFY $ LINK DEHEXIFY When you RUN DEHEXIFY, it prompts for the file name of the .HEX file. LZDCMP.HEX A hexified copy of the LZDCMP program, which is used to decompress files that have been compressed with LZCOMP. To use this program, run it through DEHEXIFY, then define a "foreign command" symbol: $ lzdcmp :== $disk:[directory]LZDCMP Some of the packages available from this FILESERV are BACKUP savesets that have been compressed, hexified, then split into multiple files with VMS_SHARE. To get back the original BACKUP saveset for a package, first concatenate all the parts together into one file (which is a command procedure) and execute it. This will provide the .HEX file. Then run that file through the DEHEXIFY program to get the .BCK_Z (compressed saveset) file. Finally, decompress the saveset with the command: $ lzdcmp package.BCK_Z package.BCK Then you can use the BACKUP command to list or retrieve the files in the saveset, for example: $ BACKUP/LIST package.BCK/SAVE_SET