PSDRAW ist a simple graphics editor, which handles objects. The original is form DEC in XDPS$EXAMPLES. This version is a debugged and enhanced (eg with new bugs) version of this original. PSDRAW uses Display-PostScript, so it will only run on X-Displays supporting the DPS-Extensions (VAXstations with VMS 5.4 or higher). An produced file can be read in again and further woked with or directly sent to a PostScript-Printer. Start it by typing: $ @PSDRAW Some hints to use it: ********************* Mousebuttons are used as follows Left Mousebutton: - Select an object by clicking onto this object. - Deselection of objects by clicking outside the object. - Select a further object by pressing shift while clicking. - Dragselection of one or more objects. - Dragselection of one or more objects to the selected objects. - Moving objects by pressing the left mouse button ontop of a selected objects and moving the mouse. - Rotating a selected object by pressing the left mouse button ontop of this object while pressing the CRTL-key. - Slanting a selected object by pressing the left mouse button ontop of this object while pressing the CRTL-key and a SHIFT-key. - Resizing an object by pressing ontop of a marked point and moving the pointer. If the object consists of points, only the selected point is moved. - Finishing the creation of a object made from points (by using this button instead of the right button). Middle Mousebutton: - you will get the popup-menu when pressing the middle mousebutton. Right Mousebutton: - you will create a new object using the right mousebutton. If the object ist made from points, then everytime the right button is pressed, one point is added at the current pointerposition. An action is progress is aborted by pressing a second button while using the first one. Some menue-entries will work deferred. These are - PASTE : you select paste and nothing will happen until you press the left mousebutton. As soon as you press it, the object is pasted, selected and can be placed whereever you want by moving it. - INCLUDE POSTSCRIPT FILE : when you select this menue-entry, you will be asked for a filename. This file is read after notifying. But it will only be seen by marking a rectangle with the right mousebutton -> this will give the frame for this image. - ZOOM IN : by selecting a rectangle with the right mousebutton you tell PSDRAW which part to expand to the whole window. - ZOOM OUT : by selecting a rectangle with the right mousebutton you tell PSDRAW where the whole window will be displayed. Landscape/Portrait-Mode is only for Display-purpouses and are not interpreted when reading in a file. To clarify: In a saved file there are to regions, one to describe the objects (-> Comments in PostScript), and one the PostScript-Program. Landscape-mode does only affect the PostScript- Program by rotating the coordinate-system, but not the Object-Description. Known Problems/Bugs: - Sometimes a the surfaces is not completely erase when moving or deleting an object. I am aware of this problem, but don't know yet why it is so. - If you move the psdraw-window and the property-sheet, you will probably get a X-event error. This has no negative consequences. Futher work do be done: - like a property-sheet to select line-patterns. - like a property-sheet to select fill-pattern. - write a user's guide. - write a programmer's reference guide. Hope you will enjoy using it. Thomas Irlet Gruppe für Rüstungsdienste Stauffacherstrasse 65 3000 Bern 22 Switzerland Tel +41 31 67 61 30 FAX +41 31 67 61 21