BRU [qualifiers] file(s) [output] Qualifiers: /BACKUP_SET=(name[,name[,...]]) specify backup set(s) to be restored. Wildcard characters "*" and "%" are allowed, and specify that all matching backup sets be processed. /BRIEF With /LIST, specifies a brief listing (saveset name and size) /COPY (default) copy files to disk /EXCLUDE=(File[,File[,...]]) * and % wildcard allowed Specify directories with leading zeroes and without "," Example: /EXCLUDE=[002005]*.* excludes all files from [2,5] /HELP types this file to the screen /LIST[=filespec] makes listing of backup set, implies /NOCOPY /LOG Log each file as it is copied. /OCTAL Render file versions in octal. This blows up on file versions greater than 13815, but allows versions less than this to be copied to RSX systems having octal version numbers. /REWIND rewind tape before processing each saveset spec. /SELECT=(File[,File[,...]]) Specify directories with leading zeroes and without "," Example: /SELECT=[002005]*.* copies all files from [2,5] /TOTAL (default) lists/logs total number of files processed / total blocks /ZERO Allow files with maximum record length of zero Parameter: TAPE File Specification of tape or TPC copy of tape. Defaults SYS$DISK:[].TPC; no wildcards allowed. Tape must be mounted /FOREIGN! Parameter: OUTPUT File specification of directory to create the RSX subdirectories under. If omitted, the default is [.backup_set_name]. *** Note: If the directories already exist, they should be empty. (At least, the created files must not already exist. BRU replaces files that already exists!!!