AnalyRIM V6 is a slight edit of AnalyRIM V5, for the VMS platforms only at the moment. It adds the VC and VB commands to switch between color (ANSI terminals e.g. DECwindows DECterms) and black and white (i.e., curses() ) terminals. The color version uses a home grown color map and ANSI color control escape sequences to provide some coloring of the display. (Also, negative numbers will appear as red on blue where positive ones appear as yellow on blue.) Also, the VT cursor location sequence is used so that the color mode is sensitive to the mouse on a DECwindow. The left mouse button moves to the displayed cell that the cursor points to at the click. The center button enters the cellname of the cell currently pointed to. The right button enters colon followed by the currently pointed to cellname. Thus one can use the center, then right buttons to enter range names in formulae. Unfortunately these functions don't work on a simple Xterm. It should be noted that the program comes up by default in the curses mode, and will not enter into the color mode until a VC command is given. For a unix system, analyrimv5.for_unix is the correct main program, linking with cinterface.c for curses support. The *.BLK files myst be present also. It is instructive to diff the vms and unix variants to see the changes; on the whole, they are few. I was able to lay hands on s SunOS 4.1.1 system only (using the Sun fortran compiler) among unix boxes. While there is very little system specific code here, I cannot actually say that the code will run unchanged on other unix flavors. I would appreciate copies of any such code to add to my copy of the distribution. Glenn C. Everhart 25 Sleigh Ride Rd Glen Mills PA 19342 (USA) 215 358 5875