Bart Lederman Contributions [.BWBASIC.DIR] Contains the Bywater BASIC Interpreter with a few small modifications to make it run on VAX/VMS. VESTed Alpha image from Glenn Everhart. [.BAS_EDIT_FUNCTION.DIR] Make an RTL function availble to 3GL programmers and DATATRIEVE users. Does a lot of what F$EDIT does for DCL: strip leading and trailing spaces, make upper or lower case, compress whitespace, and trim parity; or all of the above at once. [.COMMANDS.DIR] Contains updates to my command procedures which show all of the parameters for F$GETDVI, F$GETJPI, F$GETSYI, including files with just the new parameters for VMS V5.5 [.MOVEFILE.DIR] Contains a program which uses the new MOVEFILE qualifier to a file system QIO to move and de-fragement a file. It's intended mostly as a way to explore the use of movefile, and not as an actual disk de-fragmenter. However, it will consolidate files and make files contiguous. [.NULL_DB.DIR] Contains two programs written in C with embedded SQL that read the metadata in an Rdb database to find all of the fields in all of the tables which are of type DATE: it then updates all records where those fields are set to the default date of "17-Nov-1858" to make the fields NULL instead. The older program does the entire database and then has one big COMMIT, but this made the snapshot file very large. The newer program commits one table at a time. It was needed because moving tables from one database to another with some utilities set all of the NULLs to zero, and we needed to get the null date back. [.TPU.DIR] Contains a couple of routines I use to process text files which come in from other systems. Two of them strip blank spaces: one is faster than the other because it removes large blank spaces first. [.TRIM] An update to my program (in C) which will process one or more files, and do some or all of the following to all of them: Remove characters from the beginning or end of each line; Remove (and optionally replace) characters from within each line; Insert a prefix or suffix on each line; Process the first line differently from the subsequent lines; Insert a line at the beginning or end of each file; Trim trailing blanks and tabs from each line; Remove blank lines; Strip non-printing characters. Bart Z. Lederman System Resources Corp. 22 James St. Beverly, MA 01915-3704 (DCS and DECUServe accounts LEDERMAN)