From: MERC::"uunet!CRVAX.SRI.COM!RELAY-INFO-VAX" 26-AUG-1992 07:32:39.74 To: CC: Subj: ISEND for VMS posted to vmsnet.sources I have posted the ISEND.SHARE file to vmsnet.sources Here is the AAAREADME.TXT file information: COPYRIGHT NOTICE: This program was written at the Hebrew University and is given for a public use as long as it is used for non-profit interests. The Hebrew university is not responsible for any damage that might be caused due to use or mis-use of this software. It is given as-is with no waranty. ISEND is the implementation for Unix and VMS systems of RFC-1159 and RFC-1312. It will compile on most Unix systems and on VMS systems that use MultiNet. The headers of ISEND.C and ISENDD.C describe how to compile, link and run them. Note for AIX: The compilation variable "unix" is not defined on these systems as it is on other Unix systems. You have to enter #define unix at each source file, and then you'll have hard work to make it compiling... Note for Ultrix: Remove the line that include Note for Wollogong: Modified 11-Aug-1992, by Jim Gerland, University at Buffalo, - to run under WINTCP 5.2 - created makefile. - modified to use isend.opt file - created Note for UCX: I haven't checked it on these systems. However, you should modify the include files and link with the appropriate library. Note for MultiNet: If you are using Multinet 2.2 (and not 3.0) then rename ISENDD.C_V22 to ISENDD.C before compiling. RUNNING the background process: The program ISEND should be run at the background. On VMS it should be run like: $ RUN/DETACH/INPUT=NL:/OUTPUT=NL:/ERROR=NL:/PROCESS_NAME="ISEND_task" - /PRIV=(NOALL,TMPMBX,NETMBX,OPER) - UTIL$:ISENDD OPER is needed in order to broadcast messages. On Unix it should be run like: % isendd and it will fork by itself. Bugs should be reported to YEHAVI@VMS.HUJI.AC.IL RFC-1312 compatibility: The program was originaly written according to RFC-1159. The server was then upgraded to support RFC-1312 as well (ignoring the new fields). The client is left with the old version in order to communicate with older implementations of ISENDD. FILES INCLUDED: AAAREADME.TXT - This file. ISEND.1 - Man page for Unix systems. ISEND.RNH - Help file for VMS. RUNOFF it. ISEND.C - The client program. ISENDD.C - The background daemon. UNIX_BRDCST.C - Linked with ISENDD on Unix systems. VMS_BROADCAST.C - Linked with ISENDD on VMS systems. COMPILE.COM - DCL procedure to compile on VMS COMPILE - Unix procedure for compilation. --- Jim Gerland - Consultant, Network User Support University at Buffalo Academic Services, Computing & Information Technology Buffalo, NY 14260 716.645.3557 Work 716.645.3734 FAX gerland@ubvms.bitnet