From: MERC::"uunet!CRVAX.SRI.COM!RELAY-INFO-VAX" 29-AUG-1992 04:36:42.80 To: INFO-VAX CC: Subj: RE: How to obtain x button press from character cellapplication Hi, Bruce Wright wrote... >I've been trying to find out a number of odds and ends about various >DEC terminals and terminal emulators; there are a number of things >that the various DECwindows/Motif/Pathworks/VWS emulators do that the >real terminals do not. So far I've been unable to come up with any >definitive lists of supported reports and escape sequences for these ... If you have access to the CDLISTings or the ufiche, look in [.CLIUTL.LIS]SETTERM.LIS and TERMDEFS.LIS. These modules implement the SET TERMINAL/INQUIRE sequences for VMS. They are *complex*, but here are a few more terminal ids for you (you have some of these already): ; VT173 1 VT100, VT101, VT105 2 LA120 3 LA34 4 VT132 5 VK100 6 VT102 (also 61) 7 VT131 10 LA100, LA210 12 VT125 13 LQP02 15 LA12 18 VT80 20 LA80 21,22,23,231 Pro series 26 LN03 27 LN01K 29 LA84 62 VT200 series 63 VT300 series 64 VT400 series And, no, I won't post the modules! regards, nick DESMITH_N@COLLOQUIUM.CO.UK NICK@NCDLAB.ULCC.AC.UK