From: MERC::"uunet!CRVAX.SRI.COM!RELAY-INFO-VAX" 28-JAN-1993 06:59:06.18 To: CC: Subj: Using GCC on VMS DECwindows/Motif Has anyone successfully used Gnu CC under VMS to link to the DECwindows Motif libraries? The version I have (1.40) can't deal with the Motif header files that DEC ships, because they use things like externalref that are available in DEC's VAX C compiler but not in gcc. So far none of the obvious workarounds have worked (adding a line to the source file like `#define externalref extern' will compile and build but when it runs it gets the wrong values for some of the Motif constants and fails -- apparently gcc's semantics for extern don't match VAX C's semantics for externalref). Some X11 .h files don't have the problem -- it's particularly (exclusively?) the Motif *.h files. I can build lots of things that don't use Motif but so far have had trouble getting gcc to deal with the Motif widget class constants and similar things. I'm sure I can solve this by building my own copy of X using gcc, and possibly by editing _all_ of the X11 .h files to use more standard C syntax :-( but I'd rather not if there's a better (easier) way. Below is a simple program to demonstrate the problem. It needs to be compiled and linked with: $ gcc /nocase test $ link test,xwin/opt xwin.opt: sys$share:vaxcrtl /share sys$share:decw$xlibshr /share sys$share:decw$xmlibshr /share The error I get is: X Toolkit Error: XtCreateWidget requires non-NULL widget class on the call to XtCreateManagedWidget. I'd like to find a solution that doesn't require making changes to DECwindows (like recompiling the X libraries from the MIT distribution), making extensive editing changes to the source files (I have lots of them, adding a short #ifdef at the top of each is OK but lots of editing to the bodies of the files will be a lot of trouble), or use VAX C (the machine this is for doesn't have a license for it). Thanks, Bruce C. Wright ------------------------- cut here --------------------------- /* * test1.c * * A minimalist X program. */ #ifdef __GNUC__ /* #include */ #define externalref extern #define NO_X_GBLS #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #define START_CIRCLE 0 #define FULL_CIRCLE (64*360) void resize (); void redisplay (); typedef struct { int depth, ncolors; GC gc; Dimension width, height; } image_data, *image_data_ptr; unsigned long iRedPixel; unsigned long iBluePixel; unsigned long iGreenPixel; unsigned long iYellowPixel; unsigned long iWhitePixel; unsigned long iBlackPixel; unsigned long iCyanPixel; unsigned long iMagentaPixel; main (argc, argv) int argc; char *argv []; { Widget toplevel, canvas; image_data data; toplevel = XtInitialize (argv [0], "Test", NULL, 0, &argc, argv); /* */ /* XtGetApplicationResources (toplevel, &data, resources, XtNumber (resources), NULL, 0); /* * Create the widget to display. */ canvas = XtCreateManagedWidget ("canvas", xmDrawingAreaWidgetClass, toplevel, NULL, 0); printf ("Widget created\n"); init_data (canvas, &data); printf ("Data initialized\n"); XtAddCallback (canvas, XmNexposeCallback, redisplay, &data); XtAddCallback (canvas, XmNresizeCallback, resize, &data); XtRealizeWidget (toplevel); printf ("Widget realized\n"); iRedPixel = get_pixel (canvas, "red"); iGreenPixel = get_pixel (canvas, "green"); iBluePixel = get_pixel (canvas, "blue"); iYellowPixel = get_pixel (canvas, "yellow"); iWhitePixel = get_pixel (canvas, "white"); iBlackPixel = get_pixel (canvas, "black"); iCyanPixel = get_pixel (canvas, "cyan"); iMagentaPixel = get_pixel (canvas, "magenta"); printf ("get_pixel called\n"); resize (canvas, &data, NULL); printf ("resize called\n"); XtMainLoop (); } init_data (w, data) Widget w; image_data *data; { Arg wargs [2]; /* * Get the size of the drawing area. */ XtSetArg (wargs [0], XtNwidth, &data->width); XtSetArg (wargs [1], XtNheight, &data->height); XtGetValues (w, wargs, 2); /* * Find out how many colors we have to work with, and create * a default, writeable, graphics context. */ data->ncolors = XDisplayCells (XtDisplay (w), XDefaultScreen (XtDisplay (w))); data->gc = XCreateGC (XtDisplay (w), DefaultRootWindow (XtDisplay (w)), NULL, NULL); } get_pixel (w, colorname) Widget w; char *colorname; { Display *dpy = XtDisplay (w); int scr = DefaultScreen (dpy); Colormap cmap = DefaultColormap (dpy, scr); XColor color, ignore; if (XAllocNamedColor (dpy, cmap, colorname, &color, &ignore)) return (color.pixel); else { printf ("Warning: Couldn't allocate color %s\n", colorname); return (BlackPixel (dpy, scr)); } } void redisplay (w, data, call_data) Widget w; image_data *data; caddr_t call_data; { Display *dpy = XtDisplay (w); Window wnd = XtWindow (w); /* * Draw the data on the window. */ XSetForeground (dpy, data->gc, iRedPixel); XDrawLine (dpy, wnd, data->gc, 10, 10, 100, 100); XSetForeground (dpy, data->gc, iYellowPixel); XDrawRectangle (dpy, wnd, data->gc, 100, 100, 100, 100); XSetForeground (dpy, data->gc, iGreenPixel); XDrawArc (dpy, wnd, data->gc, 110, 110, 100, 100, START_CIRCLE, FULL_CIRCLE); XSetForeground (dpy, data->gc, iCyanPixel); XFillRectangle (dpy, wnd, data->gc, 200, 200, 100, 100); XSetForeground (dpy, data->gc, iBluePixel); XFillArc (dpy, wnd, data->gc, 200, 200, 100, 100, START_CIRCLE, FULL_CIRCLE); } void resize (w, data, call_data) Widget w; image_data *data; caddr_t call_data; { Arg wargs [10]; /* * Get the new window size */ XtSetArg (wargs [0], XtNwidth, &data->width); XtSetArg (wargs [1], XtNheight, &data->height); XtGetValues (w, wargs, 2); /* * Clear the window and generate an Expose event for * the entire window. */ if (XtIsRealized (w)) XClearArea (XtDisplay (w), XtWindow (w), 0, 0, 0, 0, TRUE); } ------------------------- cut here ---------------------------