From: MERC::"uunet!WKUVX1.BITNET!goathunter" 4-AUG-1992 00:03:41.28 To: fsupdate@WKUVX1.BITNET CC: Subj: WKUVX1 FILESERV: REMIND added There's been some recent interest in comp.os.vms about reminder utilities. I have one I wrote in 1986 that needs a rewrite, but I've been planning it for six years, so I thought I might as well just go ahead and release it as is, warts and all. I've used it every day for the last six years (yes, I need reminders to tell me to eat lunch and go home---though I still sometimes forget). The AAAREADME.TXT is included below my sig. TO get it via anonymous ftp from, you'll need: [.MACRO32]LZDCMP.EXE [.MACRO32.SAVESETS]REMIND.BCK_Z TO get it via e-mail, send the command SEND REMIND in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@WKUVX1.BITNET. It's written in MACRO-32, so no strange compilers are required. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@WKUVX1.BITNET, 502-745-5251 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- REMIND is a simple, yet effective, reminder utility for VMS. It runs as a detached process that sends one-line reminders to users. Messages for a user are normally broadcast to all terminals logged in under that username; if the user is not logged in, the reminder is mailed to the user. The user can optionally have REMIND set his DCL prompt to the reminder text. I originally wrote REMIND as a student in 1986; I've been using it ever since, and always meant to rewrite it---but we all know how that goes. So please forgive the code---its age shows in places. To schedule a reminder, the following command is executed: $ REMIND "date-time" "Reminder text" The following qualifiers can be specified: /MAIL - Always MAIL message text /NOMAIL - Do not MAIL message text By default, msg is mailed if user not logged in /DISPLAY - Broadcast message text if user logged in /NODISPLAY - Do not broadcast message text /TERMINAL - Broadcast to a specific terminal /PROMPT - Set the DCL prompt to message text /PERM - Repeat reminder /PERM=DAILY - Set reminder each day /PERM=WEEKLY - Set reminder each week /PERM=MONTHLY - Set reminder each month REMIND/LIST [date-time] - List set reminders REMIND/DELETE [date-time] - Delete a reminder Users with SYSPRV can set, delete, and list reminders for other users. To install REMIND, simply execute BUILD_REMIND.COM, define the logical REMINDIR to point to the director containing the file REMINDER.DAT, edit REMIND_START.COM to point to the directory containing the REMIND.EXE and REMIND_DET.EXE images, and execute REMIND_START.COM. To set up the REMIND command, simply add a line like the following to your LOGIN.COM or SYLOGIN: $ remind :== $dev:[dir]REMIND.EXE There is only one bug that I'm aware of: setting a repeating reminder for the 31st of the month isn't handled right for months with fewer than 31 days. The messages are "encrypted" in the REMINDER.DAT file, but the encryption leaves a lot to be desired---that's why REMIND_START installs REMIND.EXE with SYSPRV. You should periodically clean up the REMINDER.DAT file by stopping the REMINDER process and executing a command like the following: $ convert/fdl=reminder.fdl reminder.dat reminder.dat Comments and suggestions are welcome. Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@WKUVX1.BITNET, 502-745-5251