From: MERC::"uunet!CRVAX.SRI.COM!RELAY-INFO-VAX" 27-FEB-1993 02:49:05.92 To: Info-VAX@KL.SRI.COM CC: Subj: Re: CERT Advisory: OpenVMS and OpenVMS AXP Vulnerability In article , (M Darrin Chaney) writes... # #Yeah, right. # #The patch kit contains new copies of #sys$loadable_images:image_management.exe and page_management.exe, as #well as sys$vm.exe for V1.0 AXP. Oops, I've let the cat out of the bag. #Cyberpunks all over the world will be happily disecting those files to #deduce what holes are present in them. Yeah, and if you spend more than a minute you might realize that the page_management stuff is old bugfixes. The security stuff is the image_management replacement. If you're even bright you'll figure out what part in the sys$vm.exe (axp) does the same as what part in the image_management.exe that was changed. I'll even throw old Ray a bone: process_isd_list incorporates extra checks. Now if only somone will tell me what (31)sp is... # Darrin #-- #M Darrin Chaney, Senior Database Programmer, University Computing Services, IU 1000 E 17th St. Work: (812)855-5492 #mdchaney@iubacs.bitnet Bloomington, IN 47408 Home: (812)333-6311 #"I want- I need- to live, to see it all..." Ehud -- Ehud Gavron (EG76)