This file will address the installation of the VMS gopher server. 1) FTP the files from the pub/gopher/VMS directory on (probably already done if you are reading this) 2) Put the source files somewhere on your system. 3) Compile the source code. Determine if you are going to compile with VAXC or wil GCC. Then use the command procedure compile like this: $ @compile gcc (to use GCC to compile) or $ @compile cc (to use VAXC to compile) 4) Next link the executable. There will be some warnings which can be ignored. $ @link_gopher 5) Decide where the gopher data directory will be and create that directory. Then assign a logical name to that directory similar to this: $ assign/system/exec/trans=(conc,term) $1$dua0:[gopher_data.] gopher_root The server looks for its files in the gopher_root directory tree. You should also read the server.doc file. It is copied here to help give some direction as to how to create text files and link files for the server. Although it is written to the unix system, it explains what a link file is and what should be in it to some extent. In the gopher_root logical name definition, the physical device name must be specified. I have not had a server work where the device name was given by some other logical, even an exec mode logical. This was found the hard way by a lot of people trying to set up a server and defining something like userw:[] and the server just simply disappears. I think that needs some work too to get some sort of message out about why the server is dying. 6) Start the gopher server. At present, the only way to start the server is to do a run/detach. It does not yet work with inetd. This is being fixed. For now, use the following command from SYSTEM or another very privileged account: $ run/detach/process_name=gopher_server/output=sys$manager:gopher.output/- error=sys$manager:gopher.error sys$system:vmsgopherd.exe The sys$manager and sys$system logicals/directories can be replaced with wherever you want the gopher server to put these. The log and security file capability will be added soon also. 7) Hopefully you now have a gopher server running on port 70. Put some files in the gopher_data directory and then telnet to your machine on port 70 and type a and see if the server lists out the files you have there. Now add things to your server to make it do more things.