This is a submission from Medtronic, Inc., Minneapolis, MN. Roger G. Ruckert * * Senior Technical Analyst * * * * Medtronic, Inc. * * * * Mail Stop 111 * * * 7000 Central Ave. * * * * Minneapolis, MN 55432 * * * * * (612) 574-4742 * * Internet: ************* NETLOCK is a utility for managing locks across a DECnet network. In this saveset are the following items: 1. A paper describing NETLOCK in WordPerfect format. The file is NETLOCK.WP1. 2. The programs and necessary subroutine libraries to get the NETLOCK system operational. FTNLIB.FOR is a FORTRAN subroutine library, and it is documented in FTNLIB.DOC. [Editor's note: A file NETLOCK.DOC has been added, an approximate translation of NETLOCK.WP1 for those who don't have WordPerfect.]