AM008 Renaming Standalone WPS-PLUS Users Charles McMichael Pittsburgh Corning Corp. 0. Conventions A) These procedures assume you are logged into the SYSTEM account. B) Make sure that any user you are attempting to affect is logged off the system. C) Boldface is used to show system prompts. UPPERCASE is used to show commands and qualifiers you are to enter. Italics are used to show parameters whose values depend upon your specific requirements. D) A "parsed_username" is created by removing numerals, underscores, and dollar signs (0123456789_$) from an account's "username." I. Adding a User A) If a Personal Use License is used in running WPS-PLUS, the system must have a license containing the new username. (See Section VI to see how to modify a current license. To add a new license, run @SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM. Personal Use Licenses require LMF v1.1 or higher to be running.) B) $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ MCR AUTHORIZE UAF> ADD username/DEVICE=disk:/DIR=[directory] - /UIC=[group_number,member_number]/PASSWORD=123456 - /FLAG=NODISUSER UAF> SHOW username (If necessary, MODIFY username to supply the proper Account and Owner fields, and to grant the minimum user quotas detailed in the "WPS-PLUS for VMS Installation Guide.") UAF> EXIT C) $ SHOW QUOTA/USER=username/DISK=disk: (If quotas are enabled on the disk then issue the command: $ MCR DISKQUOTA ADD username /DEVICE=disk: - /PERM=number_of_blocks /OVER=number_of_overdraft_blocks to permit the user's file to reside on the new disk.) D) $ CREATE/DIRECTORY/LOG disk:[directory]/OWNER=username E) $ @WPSPLUS$SYSTEM:WPLNEWUSR Users SYS$LOGIN SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]: disk:[directory] F) Notify the user that a new password will be required during the initial login. II. Renaming a User A) $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ MCR AUTHORIZE RENAME old_username - new_username/PASSWORD=123456/PWDEXPIRED B) $ RENAME/LOG disk:[000000]old_directory.DIR new_directory $ RENAME/LOG disk:[new_directory]old_parsed_username.PST - new_parsed_username C) If a Personal Use License is used in running WPS-PLUS, you must modify the license to contain the new username. (See Section VI.) D) Notify the user that a new password will be required during the next login. III. Moving a User From One Disk To Another A) $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ MCR AUTHORIZE MODIFY username /DEVICE=new_disk: B) $ SHOW QUOTA/USER=username/DISK=old_disk: $ SHOW QUOTA/USER=username/DISK=new_disk: (If quotas are enabled on the new device and the user's is insufficient, then issue the command: $ MCR DISKQUOTA ADD username /DEVICE=new_device: - /PERM=number_of_blocks /OVER=number_of_overdraft_blocks to permit the user's file to reside on the new disk.) C) $ BACKUP/LOG old_device:[000000]directory.DIR - new_disk:[000000]directory.DIR /OWNER=ORIGINAL $ BACKUP old_disk:[directory...]*.*;* - new_disk:[directory...] /OWNER=ORIGINAL D) After a safe period of time has elapsed and the move seems successful, repeat the command: $ DELETE/CONFIRM old_disk:[directory...]*.*;* until the message "%DELETE-W-FILNOTDEL, -RMS-E-MKD, -SYSTEM-F-DIRNOTEMPTY" no longer appears. Then issue the command: $ DELETE/CONFIRM old_disk:[000000]directory.DIR;1 IV. Combining Two Users into One A) $ WPS : A Do you want to copy DX documents to a folder? : Y The current File Cabinet document can not be found EX B) $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ MCR AUTHORIZE UAF> SHOW old_username UAF> SHOW new_username (Check to see if the first user has any privileges, default privileges, or identifiers that the second user should be given. If so, use MODIFY or GRANT/ID on the second user from inside AUTHORIZE) UAF> EXIT C) If you copied any dictionaries that the new user wishes to use, that user needs to get into the Dictionary Maintenance menu (DIC) and open (OP) the new dictionary, or edit (E) the old one and use Gold-Get DOC to include the new one, then format (F) to eliminate duplicate words. (The newer dictionary can be identified by having the higher document number.) V. Splitting One User into Two A) Make sure the new user has an account and is licensed to run WPS-PLUS. (See Section I.) B) Have the current user determine which folders the new user will need a copy of. Make sure you have created a WPCOPYPLUS.SCP file. (See Section VII.) C) $ WPS : F Do you want to copy DX documents to a folder? : N The current File Cabinet document can not be found EX VI. Modifying a Personal Use License A) $ LICENSE LIST WPSPLUS/FULL (Check the field labeled "Authorization." A Personal Use License has "AL2" as its first three characters. If there is more than one license, find the one whose "Reserve" field holds the username you wish to modify.) B) $ LICENSE MODIFY - WPSPLUS/AUTH=authorization/REMOVE/RESERVE=old_username/LOG $ LICENSE MODIFY - WPSPLUS/AUTH=authorization/ADD/RESERVE=new_username/LOG $ LICENSE UNLOAD WPSPLUS/LOG $ LICENSE LOAD WPSPLUS/LOG (Note that if only one WPSPLUS license is registered, you don't need to enter /AUTH=authorization.) VI. Creating a File Named WPCOPYPLUS.SCP A) $ OLD_FILE = F$SEARCH("SYS$SYSDEVICE:[WPSPLUS...]WPCOPY.SCP") $ SCRIPT_DIR = F$EXTRACT(0,F$LOCATE("WPCOPY",OLD_FILE),OLD_FILE) $ EDIT/EDT/NOCOMMAND 'SCRIPT_DIR'WPCOPY.SCP/OUT='SCRIPT_DIR'WPCOPYPLUS find "at once" sub \at once\or a Folder\ sub \\\ find "Go visit" insert ; .IF OA$PROMPT_TEXT EQS "F" THEN GET #NOCHECK="2" find "GET #ORIG_DOC"+1 insert ; get #oldfolder="" find "GOTO MAKE_COPY"+1 insert ; .IF #NOCHECK EQS "2" AND #FOLDER EQS #oldfolder THEN sub\THEN\THEN .GOTO MAKE_COPY\ .-1 sub\PROMPT\.IF #NOCHECK EQS "0" THEN PROMPT\ .+1 insert +1; .IF #NOCHECK EQS "2" THEN PROMPT "Do you want sub\want\want to Copy " #FOLDER\ .-1 sub\#FOLDER\#FOLDER ". :"\ exit $ SET PROTECTION=WO:RE 'SCRIPT_DIR'WPCOPYPLUS.SCP