Charles McMichael Pittsburgh Corning Corporation 800 Presque Isle Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15239 =============================================================================== APPENDIX A: Warnings and Notes =============================================================================== Warning #1: In WPS-PLUS v4.0, exiting the program leaves the terminal keypad in "application mode." To return the keypad to numeric operation, do $ SET TERMINAL/NUMERIC after running WPS-PLUS. This problem is fixed in WPS-PLUS v4.1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warning #2: In WPS-PLUS v4.0, you may have to run WPSPLUS/LOGIN twice to define your terminal type. V4.0 WPSPLUS/LOGIN improperly parses usernames containing underscores or numerals. V4.1 WPSPLUS/LOGIN improperly parses usernames containing numerals. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warning #3: In WPS-PLUS v3.0, a user whose DEFAULT PRIVILEGES are different from his AUTHORIZED PRIVILEGES may not be able to run WPS-PLUS. One workaround is to use the AUTHORIZE utility and equalize the user's privileges. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warning #4: After upgrading from WPS-PLUS v2 to v3, make all the WPS-PLUS users spellcheck at least one word from one document. This triggers the conversion of their personal dictionaries, which removes the v2 restrictions on renaming users or swapping disks. After a user successfully converts the personal dictionary, the system manager may delete the file PERSONAL.LGP residing in the user's default directory (*not* the one in the [.DOC0] subdirectory). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warning #5: After installing WPS-PLUS v2.1, you must also do $ COPY SYS$HELP:WPSPLU021.RELEASE_NOTES WPSPLUS$SYSTEM:WPLRELNOT.TXT/PROT=WO:RE This will prevent a problem with [WPSPLUS.LIB]RELNOTES.SCP trying to move a nonexistent file whenever you run WPSPLUS$SYSTEM:WPLNEWUSR.COM. =============================================================================== Note #1: For WPS-PLUS v3, if you're feeling adventurous, you can speed up the login procedure and keep from scaring users who log onto hardcopy terminals by doing the following steps: 1) Log in under the SYSTEM account 2) Copy WPSPLUS_LOGIN.COM to WPSPLUS_LOGIN.ORIGINAL 3) Edit WPSPLUS_LOGIN.COM to make the SET TERMINAL command run only when needed DISCLAIMER: This isn't foolproof. But I've never had trouble with it. In file SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]WPSPLUS_LOGIN.ORIGINAL (before) $ SET TERMINAL/INQUIRE ! Set up default characteristics to test $ TERM_TYPE := 'f$getdvi("tt:","devtype") ! Find out type of terminal . : $ WRITE sys$output "Unrecognized Terminal, please see your System Manager." In file SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]WPSPLUS_LOGIN.COM (after) $!! SET TERMINAL/INQUIRE ! Set up default characteristics to test $ TERM_TYPE := 'f$getdvi("tt:","devtype") ! Find out type of terminal $ IF TERM_TYPE .EQ. 0 THEN SET TERMINAL/INQUIRE $ IF TERM_TYPE .EQ. 0 THEN TERM_TYPE := 'f$getdvi("tt:","devtype") . : $!! WRITE sys$output "Unrecognized Terminal, please see your System Manager." $ WRITE sys$output "WPS won't run on this terminal, please see the System Mgr" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note #2: If your system is divided between a large number of WPS-PLUS and non-WPS-PLUS users, here's a way to avoid individual LOGIN.COM files for each WPS-PLUS user without slowing down the non-WPS-PLUS user: 1) Log in under the SYSTEM account 2) Edit SYLOGIN.COM to make WPSPLUS_LOGIN.COM run only when needed In file SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM, add the following lines: $ IF (F$MODE() .EQS. "INTERACTIVE" .AND. - F$SEARCH("SYS$LOGIN:WPSPLUS.DIR") .NES. "") THEN @SYS$STARTUP:WPSPLUS_LOGIN =============================================================================== APPENDIX B: Differences between WPS-PLUS v2.1 and v3.1 =============================================================================== Here is a comparison of the directory structures for a WPS-PLUS user. WPSPLUS$SYSTEM:WPLNEWUSR.COM was run. The user logged in, activated WPS-PLUS, and spellchecked and refiled the release notes. Under v2.1 Under v3.1 DJA3:[BRUNNER]BRUNNER.PST DJA3:[BRUNNER]PERSONAL.LGP DJA3:[BRUNNER]WPSPLUS.DIR DJA3:[BRUNNER]WPSPLUS.DIR DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]BRUNNER.PST DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]BRUNNER.PST DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]DAF.DAT DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]DAF.DAT DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]DOC0.DIR DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]DOC0.DIR DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]DOC1.DIR DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]DOC1.DIR DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]DOC2.DIR DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]DOC2.DIR DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]DOC3.DIR DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]DOC3.DIR DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]DOC4.DIR DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]DOC4.DIR DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]DOC5.DIR DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]DOC5.DIR DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]DOC6.DIR DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]DOC6.DIR DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]DOC7.DIR DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]DOC7.DIR DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]DOC8.DIR DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]DOC8.DIR DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]DOC9.DIR DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]DOC9.DIR DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]DOCDB.DIR DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]DOCDB.DIR DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]UDP.DAT DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]UDP.DAT DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]WPL_DICTS.DAT DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]WPL_LANGS.DAT DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]WPSDEF.DAT DJA3:[...WPSPLUS]WPSDEF.DAT DJA3:[...WPSPLUS.DOC0]GLOBAL.LGP DJA3:[...WPSPLUS.DOC0]PERSONAL.LGP DJA3:[...WPSPLUS.DOC1]ZTHCBATIB.TXT DJA3:[...WPSPLUS.DOC1]ZTHDJ05QI.TXT (3 directories, 20 files) (4 directories, 22 files) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here is an illustration of how document and dictionary filenames are stored in DOCDB.DAT and DAF.DAT. This explains the reason behind the v2 restrictions on renaming users or swapping disks. Under v2.1 Under v3.1 "[.DOC1]ZTHHBFBOV.WPL" "[.DOC1]ZTHHBFBOV.WPL" "DJA3:[BRUNNER]PERSONAL.LGP" "[.DOC0]PERSONAL.LGP" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Under v2.1 Under v3.1 Title length: 70 characters max. Title length: 72 characters max. $! THIS PROCEDURE SORTS DOCDB.DAT (500 bytes) $! Bytes 0 thru 35 DOCUMENT (KEY#0) (bytes 0 thru 29 list the WPS folder) $! (bytes 30 thru 35 echo KEY#1) $! 36 41 DOCNUM (KEY#1) (equals 1,000,000 minus NUMBER) $! 42 47 TITLE_HASH (KEY#2) (echoes bytes 113 thru 118) $! 48 111 FILENAME (VMS file name for document) $! 113 184 TITLE (WPS document title) $! 260 309 KEYWORDS (WPS keywords) $! 382 387 NUMBER (WPS document number) $! (KEY#0 has a unique value for each record in the file) $! (KEY#1 & KEY#2 permit duplicate values)