From: STAR::COWERN "Thomas Cowern, 381-2823, M/S ZK03-4/T61" 6-SEP-1995 15:32:55.50 To: @DIRECTED.DIS CC: COWERN Subj: Eagle/Theta EFT1 Cover Letter. All sites receive one w/ their kit - fyi. DIGITAL Cover Letter for OpenVMS[TM] Alpha Version 7.0-EFT1 and OpenVMS VAX[TM] Version 7.0-EFT1 AV-Q9AKE-RE 5 September 1995 Dear OpenVMS Field Test Participant, Enclosed is your first external field test kit for OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0-EFT1 and OpenVMS VAX Version 7.0-EFT1. The information contained within this software kit is proprietary to Digital and is offered in confidence, subject to the terms and conditions of your OpenVMS field test break-the-seal license agreement. This software has been made available to you for your internal use only. Digital makes no warranties regarding the capability or perfor- mance of this software. Furthermore, Digital warrants and rep- resents that this software is only field test quality software. Installation in production environments is discouraged. Please be reminded that no discussion of measurement or perfor- mance is allowed, as specified by your OpenVMS break-the-seal field test license agreement. Violation of these terms and condi- tions could result in the termination of your OpenVMS field test license agreement. OpenVMS Version 7.0-EFT1 Field Test For this field test of OpenVMS, we have used the version number Version 7.0-EFT1 in our documentation. This version number tells you that this is the first external field test for Version 7.0. The version string that will be used in the running system is Version F7.0. New Features The OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0 and OpenVMS VAX Version 7.0 re- lease provides all of the features contained in OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2 and OpenVMS VAX Version 6.2, plus some additional new features. The following features are new in OpenVMS Version 7.0. Refer to the OpenVMS Version 7.0-EFT1 New Features Manual for a complete listing. o 64-Bit virtual addressing (Alpha) o Kernel threads (Alpha) o Fast I/O (Alpha) o Fast Path[1] (Alpha) ____________________ [1] Fast Path is not documented for EFT1. o Image Registration (Alpha) o Maximum global sections increased (Alpha) o TCP/IP enhancements (Alpha and VAX) ©Digital Equipment Corporation. 1995. All rights reserved. ____________________ [TM] The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: AlphaServer, AlphaStation, AXP, CI, DEC, DECdtm, DECnet, DECwin- dows, OpenVMS, POLYCENTER, TMSCP, VMS, VMScluster, and the DIGI- TAL logo. [R] PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Incorportated. Motif is a registered trademark of the Open Software Foundation, Inc. 2 o Cluster-wide $CREPRC system service (Alpha and VAX) o POSIX threads specification (Alpha and VAX) o Process scheduling for SMP systems (Alpha) o Hypersort (Alpha) o LAT software enhancements (Alpha and VAX) o EFN 128 (Alpha and VAX) Kit Contents Your OpenVMS Version 7.0-EFT1 kit contains the following: o OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0-EFT1 Binary CD-ROM o OpenVMS VAX Version 7.0-EFT1 Binary CD-ROM o OpenVMS Version 7.-0-EFT1 Documentation CD-ROM o Alpha Firmware Update CD-ROM Version 3.3 o Alpha Firmware Update Version 3.3 Release Notes o OpenVMS Freeware CD-ROM o ECU Diskette Version 1.8 o The following OpenVMS Version 7.0-EFT1 printed documentation: OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0-EFT1 Upgrade and Installation Manual OpenVMS VAX Version 7.0-EFT1 Upgrade and Installation Manual OpenVMS Version 7.0-EFT1 Release Notes New OpenVMS Alpha System Services OpenVMS Version 7.0-EFT1 New Features Manual OpenVMS Alpha Guide to 64-Bit Addressing OpenVMS Alpha Privileged-Code Applications Upgrade Guide OpenVMS Calling Standard Guide to OpenVMS Version 7.0-EFT1 CD-ROMs o This OpenVMS Version 7.0-EFT1 Cover Letter o License Letter OpenVMS Version 7.0-EFT1 Documentation CD-ROM The OpenVMS Documentation CD-ROM includes the following files: o OpenVMS Version 7.0-EFT1 Documentation Set in Bookreader format o OpenVMS Version 7.0-EFT1 field-test documentation in PostScript format and selected manuals in ASCII text (.TXT) format o OpenVMS archived books in PostScript and Bookreader format o Selected layered product documentation 3 Remove DECnet/OSI Before Upgrading to OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0-EFT1 You must remove DECnet/OSI before upgrading to OpenVMS Alpha Ver- sion 7.0-EFT1. DECnet/OSI Version 6.2 and lower are not compatible with OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0-EFT1. If DECnet/OSI is installed when you upgrade to OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0-EFT1, you will not be able to boot your upgraded system. Your system will halt, and you will receive the following error message during system startup: %EXECINIT-F-LOADERR, error loading SYS$NETWORK_SERVICES.EXE, status = 00002398 To avoid this problem, remove DECnet/OSI before you upgrade to OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0-EFT1. Use the following command to remove DECnet/OSI: $ PRODUCT REMOVE DECNET_OSI After upgrading to OpenVMS Version 7.0-EFT1, you can install the DECnet/OSI 7.0 field-test kit which will be available through the internet distribution. Debugger: Stepping into RTLs and System Code (Alpha Only) On OpenVMS Alpha systems, there is a known bug in the compiler that is used to build some of the Version 7.0 external field test (EFT) run-time libraries (RTLs) and some of the system code. This bug results in routine prologues that do not conform to the OpenVMS Alpha Calling Standard. If the debugger (or TRACE) gains control in the middle of the nonconformant section of these pro- logues, it will be unable to proceed. It is unlikely that the debugger (or TRACE) will gain control at these points, as there is a very small (~5 instruction) window of vulnerability; however, it is possible. The debugger will warn the user that it has detected a bad/corrupted stack. Subsequent debugger STEP or GO commands will fail and may even crash the debugger. Both the debugger and TRACE will be unable to walk/show the call stack. The affected images will be replaced in a subsequent EFT Update. Until then, please AVOID stepping into or through RTLs and system code. Also AVOID commands that create steps into RTLs and system code, for example: SET TRACE/INST/INTO/SYSTEM/SHARE SET TRACE/CALL/INTO/SYSTEM/SHARE SET WATCH/NOSTATIC/INTO/SYSTEM/SHARE OpenVMS Alpha Firmware Update The OpenVMS Version 7.0-EFT1 CD-ROM package includes the Alpha AXP Systems Firmware Update Version 3.3 CD-ROM and hardcopy Release Notes. Use the firmware on the Alpha AXP Systems Firmware CD-ROM unless you have one of the following computers: o AlphaServer 8200 4 o AlphaServer 8400 o AlphaStation 600 For AlphaServer 8200 and 8400 computers, the required and recom- mended minimum PALcode is Version 1.15. [2] For AlphaStation 600 computers, the required and recommended minimum PALcode is Version 1.14. To upgrade the AlphaServer 8200, 8400 and AlphaStation 600 computers with firmware containing PALcode Version 1.14 or Version 1.15, use the firmware located in the [FIRMWARE] directory on the OpenVMS Alpha Operating System CD-ROM. NOTE The recommended firmware version to use with AlphaServers 8200 and 8400 is T2.0-099. Use filename TURBO_T20-99.SYS lo- cated in the [FIRMWARE] directory to upgrade to this version. This firmware supersedes the versions supplied for those specific computers on the Alpha Firmware CD-ROM. NOTE Your system will not boot unless you upgrade to the correct PALcode version. Layered Products on the Operating System CD-ROMs Both the OpenVMS VAX and the OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0-EFT1 oper- ating system CD-ROMs contain layered product binaries and documen- tation. Refer to the Guide to OpenVMS Version 7.0-EFT1 CD-ROMs for more information on the layered products included on the CD-ROMs. Layered Products on the Internet As part of the OpenVMS Version 7.0-EFT1, several layered products are being distributed over the internet. This method of distribu- tion helps us streamline the process of licensing and distributing field-test software to field-test sites. To copy a layered product from the internet, to an OpenVMS Alpha or VAX system, do the following: o Enter the following URL to access the OpenVMS EFT Layered Prod- uct World Wide Web site. o Click on the LEGAL hotlink and read the Software License Agree- ment. When you download this software, you indicate that you have read and understood this agreement. o Click on the KIT ACCESS hotlink to access the layered prod- ucts. - Enter the following username in the popup Prompt box. Make sure that you enter the username in lowercase letters. openvmstheta ____________________ [2] This is an updated version from what is listed in the Guide to OpenVMS Version 7.0-EFT1 CD-ROMs. 5 Click on OK. - Enter the following password in the popup Prompt box. Make sure that you enter the password in lowercase letters. newdigital4890 Click on OK. The Field Test Kit Services page is displayed listing the layered product kits available for EFT1. o Click on the FEEDBACK hotlink to send your comments concerning this field test. o Click on the PARTICIPATE hotlink if you are not currently a field-test participant, and you would like information on this field test. - Enter your name, title, company, and company address in the Field Test Participation Form. Enter any comments you wish to send. - Click on the Send the Participation Request button. For further information concerning the layered products for the OpenVMS Field Test kit send mail to: For information concerning installing or running a layered prod- uct, enter your comments, questions, or problems in the QAR database. Refer to the Section titled Support-Quality Assurance Reporting (QAR) System in this cover letter. NOTE These are self-decompressing files which should be copied to a system of appropriate architecture (VAX or Alpha) and executed using the RUN command. The file will decompress into its original format, for example, a backup save set, PostScript file, or object file. ECU Diskette Included in your field-test package is an ECU Diskette Version 1.8. Use this diskette if you intend to switch between operat- ing systems on Alpha computers equipped with EISA buses (such as DEC 2000-300/500, Digital 2100 server Model A500MP/A600MP, and AlphaServer 1000 systems). Do the following before switching from one operating system to another: 1. Insert the diskette. 2. Run the EISA Configuration Utility from the diskette. 3. Remove the diskette. 4. Switch operating systems by following the procedure described in the hardware information provided with the computer. 6 Migration Documentation For OpenVMS Version 7.0-EFT1, the manuals that describe migra- tion from an OpenVMS VAX system to an OpenVMS Alpha system have been updated and condensed. Specifically, OpenVMS Compatibility Between VAX and AXP, A Comparison of System Management on OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX, Migrating to an OpenVMS AXP System: Recom- piling and Relinking Applications, and Migrating to an OpenVMS AXP System: Planning for Migration have been replaced by the following manuals: o (VMS_ALPHA_MIG_APP) o (VMS_ALPHA_MIG_ENV) For this field test, some manuals might still contain references to the now obsolete manuals. If you find such a reference, please refer instead to either (VMS_ALPHA_MIG_APP) or (VMS_ALPHA_MIG_ENV). 7 Field Test Kit Schedule An updated field test kit is planned for shipment in October 1995. The following table lists the current field-test schedule. ___________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION____________PHASE_________________FT_SHIP_DATE__________ OpenVMS Version 7.0 FT-1 September 5, 1995 OpenVMS Version 7.0 FT Update October 1995 OpenVMS_Version_7.0____FT_End________________December_1995_________ Support-Quality Assurance Reporting (QAR) System To facilitate reporting feedback during field test, a Quality Assurance Report (QAR) database has been established on Digital's QAR system in Nashua, New Hampshire. We encourage you to enter any questions, comments, or problems relating to OpenVMS Version 7.0-EFT1 in this database. To access the database, dial ( 1-800-824-2405). This phone number connects you to an OpenVMS system. Please enter your OpenVMS VAX Version 7.0-EFT1 QARs in the EAGLE-FT database and your OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0-EFT1 QARs in the EVMS-THETA-FT database. If at any time you need assistance in the QAR system, type HELP. If you have not been assigned a username or you have lost your password, please contact Thomas Cowern for access information. Field Test Software Installation Installation of this OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX Version 7.0- EFT1 software kit is required within 5 working days of receipt to ensure adequate test and problem resolution time for each phase of the field test. Your best effort to install this EFT1 kit within 5 days will be greatly appreciated. Upon installation of this field test kit, please log in to the QAR system to confirm installation and note any feedback, or send mail via the Internet to: Thank you for your participation in the OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0 and OpenVMS VAX Version 7.0 field test. Respectfully, Thomas Cowern OpenVMS Quality, Test & Validation Management Phone: 603-881-2823 FAX: 603-881-2006 Internet: 8