From: SMTP%"RELAY-INFO-VAX@CRVAX.SRI.COM" 12-MAY-1993 17:14:24.93 To: EVERHART CC: Subj: DECUS library new items 5/11/93 Date: Tue, 11 May 1993 17:27:57 GMT From: "Glenn C. Everhart" To: Message-Id: <> Subject: DECUS library new items 5/11/93 The following are new DECUS library items. The DECUS library can be contacted by phone at 508 841 3502 or 3500... DECUS Library Update Report May 11, 1993 PROGRAMS BEING ANNOUNCED Following are the new or revised programs since the distribution of the 1992/1993 catalog and subsequent update reports. DECUS New or No. Title Version Revised VS0155 Symposium Collection from the VMS/Languages and Tools SIG, Part 1 of 2, Fall 1992, Las Vegas December 1992 New VS0156 Symposium Collection from the VMS/Languages and Tools SIG, Part 2 of 2, Fall 1992, Las Vegas December 1992 New VS0159 Symposium Collection from the Australian Symposium, Melbourne, 1992 August 1992 New GENERAL INFORMATION The following update reports are to be considered addendums to the 1992/1993 catalog: October 19 1992, January 20 1993, February 18 1993, April 6, 1993, May 11, 1993 New VS0155 Symposium Collection from the VMS/Languages and Tools SIG, Part 1 of 2, Fall 1992, Las Vegas Version: December 1992 Submitted by: Glenn Everhart, Ph.D., RAXCO Operating System: AMIGA-DOS, MACINTOSH OS, VMS, ULTRIX, UNIX, DOS Source Language: BLISS-32, C, C++, DCL, FORTRAN, MACRO-32, PASCAL, VAX FORTRAN Keywords: Symposia Tapes - VMS Abstract: This is Part 1 of 2 of the VMS/Languages and Tools SIG tape from the Fall 1992 DECUS Symposium in Las Vegas. Refer to DECUS No. VS0156 for Part 2 of the VMS/Languages and Tools SIG Tape. Users are advised to order both tapes in order to have the complete set. The tapes from the VMS and L&T SIG's were combined to reduce duplications between the two collections. Following is a brief summary of highlights: 92BVAXLT Indices and descriptions of what is on the tapes. Tools subdirectory contains tools needed to decompress or unpack some packed items. DECUSLIB Current machine readable catalog of DECUS library contents as straight text. The BROWSER fulltext retrieval tool is included. The DECUS Catalog Information System tool is included. Also present is a BROWSEable file DECUSALL.TXT which has the BROWSER indices pre-built. This material covers the DECUS Library catalog plus material from sig tape abstracts. VAX92B [.ALPHA] Utilities ported to Alpha, some of them updates of the ones on the Alpha CD. Includes BOSS and SWiM multisession monitors, partial vd: driver for Alpha, VAX File Editor, KERMIT, CSwing, FILE, CLRREF, Invisible, SETUSERNAME, TAIL, VMS_SHARE, Zip and Zoo archivers, and more. [.AMC] Docs on analyzing process, crash, etc. EDX, updated TPU based super-EDT editor. Histogram of CPU use and queue length thru the day. Optimize a function over a space. Prime generator. Search batch queues for jobmane. TERMINATOR - an idle process killer. [.ANALY] Complete distribution of AnalytiCalc and AnalyRIM spreadsheet/relational database management system for all platforms. AnalytiCalc runs on RSX, MS-DOS, AmigaDos, UNIX, VAX/VMS. AnalyRIM runs on AmigaDos, VAX/VMS, Alpha/VMS, and UNIX. All sources are present. Updated over version on Alpha CD. [.ANUNEWS] ANU News system, a fully functional news system for VMS, version 6.1 beta6. [.BAISLEY] DQS Batch symbiont. Requires DFS. [.BDM] Bulk Disk Manager - manages access to disk space where space is paid for. Lets one manage and administer such a system. [.BULLETIN] Messaging system, news reader, and computer conferencing / bulletin board system that works like an enhanced VAXmail (hence very easy to learn). [.BZL] Bywater BASIC interpreter. Finally a BASIC for VMS that needs no costly licenses. Alpha/VMS image also. BAS_EDIT_FUNCTION - good string edit function for 3GLs; does much of what F$EDIT does (strip space, change case, etc.) COMMANDS - many cmd procs showing all params for f$getdvi, f$getjpi, f$getsyi. MOVEFILE - move one file with Movefile. [editor note: See also JUICER on this tape.] NULL_DB - Read Rdb database and convert default date fields to null. TPU procs to strip blanks. TRIM - program to replace strings, prefix/suffix, remove blank lines, strip nonprint chars, etc., you select which. [.CDDRIVER] Update to CDdriver disk cache system to let it be useful in some cluster configurations (NOT all). Provides memory cache for disk; OK where the disk is physically connected to one VAX that runs CDdriver. Fixes bug that kept it from helping other VAXen that saw the disk via MSCP. [.DECUSRV.DECWMAIL-TPU] Let DECwindows MAIL use a TPU editing process for its editing. [.DECUSRV.DSNLINK_NEW] Get new DSNlink articles. [note: see updated vers. in [vax92b.gce92b.net92b] also.] [.DECUSRV.PCSIG-S92] Collection of PC software offered by the DECUS\ PC SIG in Spring 1992. Many utilities. [.DENTON] Grant priv'd capabilities to specific unprivileged accounts. Capabilities are grouped using rights identifiers. [.DIGSYSJNL] Programs from Digital Systems Journal (formerly Vax Professional) since Spring 1992. C Builtins, WATCH, SYSWCH, Daemons, Automated DECforms help, exit condition handler info, DECnet security info, tuning for X windows, detecting process death, and much more. [.DWPROFILE] DECwindows/Motif fullscreen application; does most of what AUTHORIZE does and searches UAF records as needed. [.EXTCOMM] Dial-out comm program for VMS; uses xmodem protocol and has a script language, phone directory, and session logging, and flexible authorization of who may use it. [.FLOWERS] CSWING, menu / fullscreen front end for VMS for use in many cases instead of plain DCL. MENU - DCL menu system...add your own menus in DCL procedures. SYSGENCOMP - compare AUTOGEN'd params with active ones. SYSTAT - show system status, who's doing what. System management guide from Harry Flowers. [.GCE92B] ANU news V6.1 beta5. BOSS multisession monitor. VMS Finger. Gnu Tar for VMS Posix. JED editor. Huge collection of programs and advice found on the Internet. PCX with minor mod to let it read and write low density floppies (720K) in MS-DOS format on VAX drives. Supervisor Series 5.4A system monitor and terminal watch/assist/record package. (Excellent for help desks. Kudos to Hunter Goatley for this one, and many more.) SWiM multiwindow, multisession monitor. TRIPWIRE UNIX security subsystem. Virtual disk package updates. Net stuff includes VMS Archie client, CD players, CLAIMDEV - move device owner to anyone, VAX disassembler, skeleton intercept driver QDDRIVER (complete src, doc!), FILE update, FLIST, FM, FTS, GAWK VMS port, INDENT code indenter, GLOGIN (start proc. as anyone), laser symbionts, intercept driver standards, INTERCOM multiuser localmsg relay, IO_STEALING_TEMPLATE, code for stealing various parts of I/O (with minor example that reduces fragmentation a little), doc on How to Add ACPs ahead of Digital Equipment Corporation's, netwho, NEWS reader V1.24, ODS2 dir. format doc, docs of DAP protocol, PATCH, PROFILE code profiler, IMGACT example, call Digital Equipment Corporation images as subroutines of yours, RAMDRIVER, REMIND reminder util, SED for VMS, SETPQL, TARSPLIT - split big TAR files into little ones, UAF report util. and password guesser (for too-easy passwords), typing tutor, undelete, Zip/unzip, XSERVERNAME - find display for a user, fire appl. up there, many more. [.GILBR] Vegas type games; NFL Bookie, Blackjack practice, Craps. [.GOATLEY] APFRAG - page/swapfile frag stats. FILE - File attribute report/modify. Flist - fullscreen directory manipulator. GAWK - Gnu AWK VMS port. Getcmd - show cmd line recall of other proc. GLOGIN - let priv user have session as anyone. Head/Tail - show front/back of files. Invisible - become invisible on a sys. Laser symbiont. LAST - last login info. Newsrdr - net news reader. Paralyze - terminal locker. X11 performance meter. Print queue monitor. SED port to VMS (stream edit). UAF reporter and password guesser. ZIP/UNZIP latest versions (file archivers/compressors; VMS attributes now preserved.) VERSION - show .exe vers. info. VMS_SHARE 8.3 (pack files for mailing). XDVI - TeX previewer on DECW. VMS-share extract from mail. [.GOPHER] Gopher client/server for several systems including VMS. Uses Multinet. [.HITTNER] Let DIBOL users use dynamic in addition to static memory. [.HKENNEDY] BECOME - become another VMS user. DCLRB - show another user's DCL recall buffer. GETUAI - from Fermilab, updated. SETBACK - set backup dates on lots of files. TELL - send messages including multinode. TREEDEL - another tree delete. [.JBAKER] SEVMS programs. TERMINALS - terminal statistics & usage tables. DELTREE - tree delete. DISKINFO - gives % disk used. LAST - tell when user(s) last logged in. LIST - maintains user base of name, username, group, phone#. VERSION - shows software versions. [.JUICER] Disk defragmenter and frag. report utilities. This version uses the MOVEFILE primitive to do online defragmentation safely and without changing file IDs (and, obviously, respects the NOMOVE qualifier on files now). Reduces fragmentation both of free space and individual files. A dynamic monitor is furnished allowing observation of progress, and a "clean list and shutdown" is provided which lets you see more detail or request clean exit (though it's never very unclean since movefile handles exit conditions cleanly). Note: not for volume sets. OK on stripesets. Old versions are included for VMS prior to V5.5. A detached monitor of free space is provided also. [.LOMASKY] Directory, sortable by file type, date, size, or other things, and ability to show just file ID etc. without other stuff. Called DS. builtin help. SYSUAF - UAF report tool, MANY more options than Authorize. Can also generate output for command files. [.MUNICH_F92.DCL] Reset color of REGIS term.; make MMS incl. files. [.MUNICH_F92.DCLDEBUG] DCL debugger. [.MUNICH_F92.FC] Something like Norton File Commander for VMS. [.MUNICH_F92.PROLOG] Portable PROLOG interpreter. [.MUNICH_F92.PSI_ABRCH] Report on PSI accounting files. [.MUNICH_F92.SPI] System performance information...DECwindows display of load, history. [.MUNICH_F92.XRDB] X resource database editor port. [.NETLOCK] NETLOCK - utility for managing locks across a DECnet network. [.NIELAND] SEND utility - messages between users. [.NSWC] Notify - let nonpriv'd users broadcast to each other; REFORMAT - reformat text files; many options. SPACE - display disk free space. USERS - cont. display of cluster processes. VGRAPH - viewgraphs for Postscript printers. ZMENU - DCL menu system. ZSET - set DCL symbols in an image. ZTYPE - better TYPE/PAGE. [.OSUDAR] VMSXTPC - a tape-disk-tape copier which handles large tape blocks (65KB) and can compress data in its blocks, provided the data is made smaller thereby; decompression on write is automatic. [.PAVLIN] ETHERMON - Ethernet monitor and display, many options, finally fixed for VMS 5.5 and up. Knows many protocols. DISM32 VAX/VMS disassembler is included also. [.PERL] Port of PERL report generator tool to VMS. [.PITTCORN] MENU - DCL menu system. WPS - move docs to/from standalone WPS systems. [.RAGOSTA] FPT - FORTRAN programming tools. KRONOS job scheduler. [.RCSTERN] Cmd proc. to maintain search lists. SHOW_LOCKS - show locks contents on VMS. SYSLIB - utils handy for PASCAL users. [.RCSMAKE] VMS ports of RCS V5.6 and Gnu Make 3.60, source and object control systems (so that RCS is a tool similar to SCCS or Digital Equipment Corporation CMS and Make is a tool like Digital Equipment Corporation MMS; Gnu Make has an automatic interface to RCS.) [.RCSWILD] Command procedures to allow VMS RCS to be used on wildcarded files. Gives wildcard ability to CI, CO, RCSCLEAN, RCSDIFF, and RLOG. [.ROBERTS] ID - let a user with appropriate ID grant/revoke identifiers from a list. INV - help library maintenance utility. SCHEDULER - Repetitive task scheduler something like DECschedule with a few limitations. REFLECTION - keep username when logging in remotely via reflection. PCBACKUP - back up Pathworks PCs to VAXcluster --> tape. [.RSX92A] Virtual Terminal driver for RSX-11. Also a vast amount of info on contents of some early RSX SIG tapes. [.SUPERVISOR] Supervisor Series V5.4 - terminal watch/record/ remote control utility useful for help desks, system auditing, security scans, and more. [.TAYLOR] Example programs from "how to write DCL-like command interfaces". [.TOOL] RNOTES - Read VAX Notes files without VAX Notes package. Can output to files or terminals or list directories. [.TWADE] Name Router - translates mail addresses; works with PMDF or BSMTP. PMDF_STATS - gets statistics for email traffic from PMDF. ACCOUNT - change your account & generate accounting record for your sess. so far. SET PROMPT from within a program. Prog. to get name of cmd. procedure running the image. Get job table name for process. Set local EFN of anyone's process. Set proc. name for any process. Set DCL prompt for another process. SET UIC in a program. [.VMSNETSRC] VMSNET.SOURCES archive since Fall 1991. Packages present include: ARCHIE_CLIENT, ARCHIVER, AUTOREPLY, BATTLESHIP, BLDSHR, BOSS, CHDIR, CLEAN_MODPARAMS, CPROTO, CSWING, CTRAP, DATEBOOK_V512, DAYTIME, DCL_MENU_2, DELIVER, DIALER, DIRSTACK, DOALL, DSNLINK_NEW, DTLOGIN, DU, DYNLINK, ENTER_BY_FID, EXECUTE, FDDRV, GET_LOTICAL_NAMES, GHOSTVIEW, HELP.TXT, INDEX.TXT, ISEND, KEYBOARD_ECHO, LIST_MAIL, LOGIN_BANNER, LOOK, LPD, MACLS, MAIL_ALIAS_LISTS, MAIL_ARCHIVER, MAIL_EDIT, MAIL_TO_VAXNOTES, MFTU, MOVE_LOGIN_BOX, MX_MAIL_TO_NEWS, NEWSSKIM_ALT, NOTICE, ORGANIZE_FTPMAIL, PBMPLUS_DEC91, PBMPLUS_VMS, PWD_UPDATE, REFLECT_XFER, RELEASE_PORT, REMOTE_TAPE, REMPRTSMB, ROFF, SDLGCC, SIOD, SPELL, STARTUP_FILE_EXAMPLES, SUPERVISOR, TERM_LOCK_2, TIC_TAC_TOE, TIME_FUNCTIONS, TOUCH, UBBS, UUBILL, UUCP_LOG_SUMMARY, UUENCODE_DECODE, VAXNOTES_TO_NEWS, VMS_SHARE, VT320_FONT_EDITOR, WITH, X11R5_ATHENA_WIDGET_SUPPORT, XSCOPE, XV-2-21_VMS_CHANGES, XWATCH, ZIP_UNZIP. [.XAUTOLOCK] Automatic terminal locker for X terminals or workstations. Works on VMS or UNIX platforms. Notes: The AAAREADME.TXT file is also available in hardcopy as a separate writeup through the DECUS Library. This writeup gives an overview of each of the programs on this collection. To receive your hardcopy of this writeup for AAAREADME.TXT, order the Media Service Charge Code (AC). Documentation may or may not be on magnetic media. Complete sources may or may not be included. Media (Service Charge Code): Write-Up (AC), 2400' Magnetic Tapes (PD) Format: VMS/BACKUP, 2400' Magnetic Tape (SD) Format: VMS/BACKUP, TK50 Tape Cartridge (TD) Format: VMS/BACKUP New VS0156 Symposium Collection from the VMS/Languages and Tools SIG, Part 2 of 2, Fall 1992, Las Vegas Version: December 1992 Submitted by: Glenn Everhart, Ph.D. Operating System: AMIGA-DOS, MACINTOSH OS, VMS, ULTRIX, UNIX, DOS Source Language: BLISS-32, C, C++, DCL, FORTRAN, MACRO-32, PASCAL, VAX FORTRAN Keywords: Symposia Tapes - VMS Abstract: This is Part 2 of 2 of the VMS/Languages and Tools SIG tape from the Fall 1992 DECUS Symposium in Las Vegas. Refer to DECUS No. VS0155 for Part 1 of the VMS/Languages and Tools SIG Tape. Users are advised to order both tapes in order to have the complete set. The tapes from the VMS and L&T SIG's were combined to reduce duplications between the two collections. Following is a brief summary of highlights: 92BVAXLT Indices and descriptions of what is on the tapes. Tools subdirectory contains tools needed to decompress or unpack some packed items. DECUSLIBLT Current machine readable catalog of DECUS library contents as straight text. The BROWSER fulltext retrieval tool is included. Also the DECUS Catalog Information System tool is included. LT92B [.CKERMIT] Latest C KERMIT for all platforms. Adds long packets, windowing, attribute preservation, much more. [.CMU] Complete CMU TCP/IP distribution. This is a highly reliable TCP/IP for VMS machines, supporting most standard TCP/IP functions. These include Telnet, FTP, a socket library, LPR, SMTP, the Berkeley "r" utilities, domain name service, NFS server, TCP/IP over DECnet, SLIP, and much more. Sources are provided, as is documentation. Versions of TCP/IP for VMS 4.7 to 5.5+ are included, though the VMS 4.x support is harder to install. The VMS 5.x uses VMSINSTAL. [.GNUSOFTWARE] Large collection of Gnu tools and code. Includes FSF distributions of Bison, Emacs, Find, GCC, GAWK, Ghostscript, Ghostview, Grep, Groff, Oleo spreadsheet 1.1, Regex, Sed, Tar, and many more. [.MX032] MX mailer, V3.2. Routes mail between TCP/IP, DECnet, DECUS UUCP, and JNET (and other mailers as needed). Also a better SMTP mailing agent with TCP/IP here than the original CMU version. [.TCPEXTRAS] Odds and ends that may enhance the CMU TCP/IP package. [.UNISIG] UNIX "Good Stuff" from DECUS Unisig. Includes ELM mailer, icontact (makes contact sheets of many images onto small images), ispell, patch2, perl, xv, metamail, pbmplus. [.X11R4] X11R4 clients & demos for DECwindows/Motif, updated. Such "must have" programs as Xterm, Xedit, Xclock, Xlsclients, Xmag, PBMPlus, Xfig, Xless, Xlock, Xpostit, Xscope, XV, and maybe fifty more are included, plus improved libraries for Motif in DECwindows and an RTL library for VMS UNIX emulation. Notes: The AAAREADME.TXT file is also available in hardcopy as a separate writeup through the DECUS Library. This writeup gives an overview of each of the programs on this collection. To receive your hardcopy of this writeup for AAAREADME.TXT, order the Media Service Charge Code (AA). Documentation may or may not be on magnetic media. Complete sources may or may not be included. Media (Service Charge Code): Write-Up (AA), 2400' Magnetic Tapes (PD) Format: VMS/BACKUP, 2400' Magnetic Tape (SD) Format: VMS/BACKUP, TK50 Tape Cartridge (TD) Format: VMS/BACKUP New VS0159 Symposium Collection from the Australian Symposium, Melbourne, 1992 Version: August 1992 Author: Various Submitted by: Milton Baar and Ron Reinhard Operating System: MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows V3.1, VAX/VMS Source Language: Various Keywords: Symposia Tapes - VMS Abstract: This is the Symposium Collection from the August 1992 DECUS Australian Symposium in Melbourne. Following is a brief summary of highlights: [.CHANGE_ A callable subroutine used to change a TERMINAL_MODE] a terminal's mode, from a high-level program; and a sample BASIC program which calls this subroutine. This subroutine will set the current terminal port and vdu to the mode specified. [.HFRD] Small collection of VAXcluster utilities is referred to in the DECUS Australia 1992 Symposium Proceedings. It forms part of the approach adopted by the High Frequency Radar Division (HFRD) of the Defence Science Technology Organization (DSTO) for managing it's sixty plus member CI/NI VAXcluster. The utilities have not been generalized in any way for inclusion in the software collection so may contain some HFRD-specifics or idiosyncracies, such as the CLUSTER_SHUTDOWN.COM procedure does. All source programs contain brief commentary at the beginning. See these for additional information. [.KONE] Utilities to determine fragmentation of the global page table and convert print carriage control files to carriage return carriage control files. [.MSWINDOWS] A collection of Microsoft Windows V3 utilities, fonts, and WAV files. Also included are Windows V3.1 printer drivers for various Digital Equipment Corporation printers. [.NOTES_ Symposium notes conference in Notes and Text CONFERENCE] formats. [.PACIFIC_POWR] Purge the read and outboxes for All-IN-1 V2.4. [.PWD010] Utility, supplied in VMS install format, to copy encrypted password and password seed to target VMS nodes. Allows common password access across multi-node non-clustered network. Includes sources. [.READ_INBOX_ ALL-IN-1 application, conference room A1] scheduler. This collection also includes all material from the South Pacific Region Symposium held in Auckland, NZ in August 1991. Documentation may or may not be on magnetic media. Complete sources may or may not be included. Media (Service Charge Code): 2400' Magnetic Tapes (PB) Format: VMS/BACKUP, 2400' Magnetic Tape (SB) Format: VMS/BACKUP, TK50 Tape Cartridge (TB) Format: VMS/BACKUP