AAAREADME.TXT 6/3/93 Brian Lomasky c/o TERADYNE, INC. 321 Harrison Ave., Mail Stop H87 Boston, MA 02118 (617) 422-2259 This directory contains the Teradyne-enhanced EVE editor, as described in the Spring 1993 Atlanta DECUS Symposium session #LT050, presented on 6/7/93. Some of the unique features which are available in this implementation are: 1) Everything that you currently know about EDT will still work in EVE 2) Integrated Spelling Checker to check the spelling of the text within the current buffer 3) Option to write the contents of a select range to file 4) Word capitalization 5) Line centering 6) Auto-text indentation 7) Buffer sorting option 8) Buffer pad/trim trailing spaces These are, of course, in addition to all of the other standard features that you get with normal EVE, such as: 1) Insert/Overstrike editing modes 2) DCL access from within the editor - Examples: Read and Send MAIL from within the editor Execute DCL commands (such as DIR), storing output in an EVE buffer 3) Multiple windows 4) Rectangular (box) cut and paste 5) Automatic prompting of whether you want to save each modified buffer 6) Automatic confirmation of QUIT, if any changes were made 7) Wildcard characters allowed in most filespecs and directories 8) Exiting the editor will create a new version, only if changes were made 9) LEARN key sequence similar to the old KED editor 10) Very easy key re-definitions 11) Interactive or Batch job execution 12) Separate journal files for each buffer 13) Search and replace Yes/No/All/Last/Quit option 14) Searching for text separated by "whitespace" 15) Searching for text patterns (similar to Unix) 16) Extensible... To install this editor for use, perform the following steps: 1) Log into an account which has at least the SYSPRV, CMKRNL, SYSNAM, and EXQUOTA privileges. 2) Create a directory to contain all of the distributed files. 3) Create 2 system-wide logical names (TOOLS and SPELL_DIR) which will refer to the directory which was just created (probably placing the definitions in SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM). Example (assuming that the directory is called SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TOOLS]): $ ASSIGN/SYSTEM SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TOOLS] TOOLS $ ASSIGN/SYSTEM SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TOOLS] SPELL_DIR 4) Install the MRPGRP EVE Section Files (probably placing the command procedure execution in SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM) with the following command: $ @TOOLS:INSTALL_SECTION 5) Ensure that W:RE protection is set on the following files: MRPGRP_EVE.EVE MRPGRP_EVE.TPU$SECTION MRPGRP_EVE_NOREV.TPU$SECTION MRPGRP_TPU.EXE SPELL.DAT SPELL.EXE 6) For each person which wants to use the enhanced EVE: a) Add the following line to their LOGIN.COM file: $ @TOOLS:EVE_DEF b) Print a copy of EVE.DOC, so that each person knows what additional commands and keys have been defined. c) Have them run EVE by typing: EDIT/TPU (or have them create an EVE symbol in their LOGIN.COM file which will run EDIT/TPU when EVE is typed by the user) 7) Enjoy! Note: There should be little reason to recompile and rebuild the Extended EVE Section files, but if there is a need to do so (such as adding your own special EVE functions to this editor), you can simply do so by typing: @TOOLS:MAKE_NEW_SECTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List of enclosed files: AAAREADME.TXT This file BSPELL.TPU$COMMAND Extended EVE Source code (to support standalone spelling checker); Compiled by MAKE_NEW_SECTION.EVE EVE.DOC Reference/User Guide to the enhanced EVE EVE_CLASS.TXT Text file to be used with "Intro to EVE" class EVE_CLASS_WILDCARD.TXT Text file to be used with "Intro to EVE" class EVE_DEF.COM Defines job logical names used to access EVE INSTALL_SECTION.COM Command Procedure to install the Section Files MAKE_NEW_SECTION.COM Command Procedure to [re]build new EVE section files (TOOLS:MRPGRP_EVE.TPU$SECTION and TOOLS:MRPGRP_EVE_NOREV.TPU$SECTION) from the source files in this directory MAKE_NEW_SECTION.EVE Invoked by MAKE_NEW_SECTION.COM to create new MRP Programming Group Section Files MRPGRP_EVE.BLD Command Procedure to create the new MRP Group system-wide TPU CALLUSER interface (TOOLS:MRPGRP_TPU.EXE) MRPGRP_EVE.EVE Extended EVE Initialization File MRPGRP_EVE.FOR TPU CALLUSER Source for Spelling Checker MRPGRP_EVE.OBJ Compiled version of MRPGRP_EVE.FOR MRPGRP_EVE.TPU$SECTION Extended EVE Section File MRPGRP_EVE_NOREV.TPU$SECTION Extended EVE Section File which eliminates the "Found in Reverse Direction. Go there?" prompt MRPGRP_EVE_SPELL.BAS Source code for EVE Spelling Correction Function MRPGRP_EVE_SPELL.OBJ Compiled version of MRPGRP_EVE_SPELL.BAS MRPGRP_TPU.EXE TPU CALLUSER Interface; Used to support spelling checker NO_FOUND_REVERSE.TPU$COMMAND Extended EVE Source code (to eliminate the "Found in Reverse Direction. Go there?" prompt); Compiled by MAKE_NEW_SECTION.EVE SPELL.BAS Source for Stand-alone Spelling Checker SPELL.DAT Dictionary for all Spelling Checkers SPELL.EXE Stand-alone Spelling Checker executable file TERADYNE.TPU$COMMAND Extended EVE Source code (to support ALLOW_TAB_SEPARATORS, FIRST_USER_BUFFER, SET_SEARCH_EXACT, SET_SEARCH_GENERAL, TOGGLE_NOMODIFY, TOGGLE_NOWRITE, TOGGLE_WIDTH); Compiled by MAKE_NEW_SECTION.EVE TPUPLUS.TPU$COMMAND Extended EVE Source code (to support EDT Line Mode, Buffer Sorting, Padding and Trimming Lines, Writing a Select Range, and the Spelling Checker); Has been distributed on previous VAX SIG tapes; Compiled by MAKE_NEW_SECTION.EVE