06/03/93 This save set of DECps (aka Polycenter Performance Solution) reporting routines were developed in an evolutionary manner beginning with VPA 2.1 and updated through DECps 1.1 (field test 2 version). The saveset is designed to create the required directory structure as unloaded with your DECps PSDC$DATABASE directory as the root : Files for tape were extracted from the saveset. Therefore, to use this area, copy the files to the desired root and create the subdirectories [.com], [.reports], and [.log]. The material here goes in the [.com] subdirectory. PSDC$ROOT = device:[psdc$database.] PSDC$ROOT:[COM] :[REPORTS] :[LOG] The principal goal of these routines is to provide a generalized set of code for producing the desired DECps graphs in a single pass of the data in three different formats (Postscript (pattern), Postscript (color), Tabular) with as few redundant lines of code as possible. They are not the "be-all and end-all" approach to doing what these routines do but they are offered here as a starting point for the person in need of good examples for same. The remote_psdc.com routine makes use of a third party remote disk product called THRUWAY if available. If not, remote DECnet access is utilized. Best wishes ! Cameron Caffee caffeec@mr.polaroid.com