Submission Title: WATCH6 -- a program to copy another user's output to your file Submitter/Author: Kenneth R. Litherland (505)454-3496 Computer Center New Mexico Highlands University Las Vegas, New Mexico 87701 A modification of WATCH5 from a 1991 DECUS symposium tape. Abstract: The WATCH5 program doesn't work from a batch job. It is modified to run from a batch job so that you doesn't have to watch another username at an interactive job -- you can go home and WATCH6 takes care of it. Also the WATCH6 program can watch one or more target usernames at one time. Computer and O/S Version Information: VAX, VMS V5.2 or greater. Other Documenation / Installation Instructions: WATCH6_BUILD.COM will create WATCH6.EXE in your current directory and an user-written system service dispatcher, WATCH5_USS.EXE in SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]. More complete documentation may be found in the prologue of WATCH6.FOR