From: SMTP%"" 18-DEC-1994 13:00:38.79 To: EVERHART CC: Subj: Re: Digital and VMS From: Norm Donovan X5678 X-Newsgroups: comp.os.vms Subject: Re: Digital and VMS Message-Id: <01HKKBRH75J68Y5UOS@SC.Siliconix.Com> Date: Mon, 12 Dec 1994 18:42:17 -0700 (PDT) Organization: Siliconix incorporated X-Gateway-Source-Info: Mailing List Lines: 74 To: Info-VAX@Mvb.Saic.Com |Just my small comment on the never-ending story about Digital and VMS. | |1. The new versions of SAP (a major financial package) is now in its latest | version on VMS. Future will only be supported on OSF/1 (and NT). True |Digital will not finance a port any longer (or is it SAP?) Not true. I have it from a source involved in the actual negotiations that Digital offered to pay for any porting expenses. |Reason? Lack of CUSTOMERS? There are 60-80 customers running SAP on VMS/AXP. Digital thought that this number could be substantially increased. Also Digital sites tend to be larger and thus worth more. SAP is very expensive and thus I think that sufficient revenue could have been generated to justify continued support. SAP wanted to reduce the number of environments that they supported. I have heard that they dropped MPE (about 10 customers), OS400 and MVS (ports in development) at the same time. SAP was also pissed off at DEC for directly selling Oracle Financials, a part of the Oracle-Rdb deal. The real story hear is the irresponsibility of SAP. 1. SAP has the right to decide their future OS directions, but to drop customers at the current release and to assume that they can migrate production environments to OSF/1 in six months is outrageous. No American company has ever done such a thing (at least not in my recollection) This timeframe is so short as to not even allow a company to budget the resources for such a move. 2. I have not talked to any SAP customer running on VMS that was consulted before the decision. 3. SAP has tried to blame DEC for the move in order to have their customers get mad at DEC not them. DEC is caught in a bind, If they tell their customers the truth, SAP may punish DEC in OSF/1 sales. If DEC goes along with SAP's lies, DEC alienates itself from its customers. DEC has responded by saying nothing. In their defense, we still have not received a formal statement from SAP so it is hard for DEC to respond to a non-existant statement. 4. Rumors also say that SAP may be considering dropping support for Oracle. 5. SAP likes to say that they will support VMS customers at the current release until they decide to migrate. This is nonsense. Anyone that has ever called SAP support knows that once a new version hits the streets, the solution to all problems is to upgrade to the new version. 6. At our site SAP had a history of blaming problems on VMS that were proven over time to be SAP ABAP problems. In general SAP did not provide VMS support, we did, in concert with the DEC Competency Center in Waldorf. SAP is a very predatory company. Unfortunately they also seem to have some pretty good software. I am totally confused as to how SAP could have come from nowhere and produced a product better than all of their competitors, but this seems to be the case. All opinions are mine not my employers. Norm ================================================================================ === Norm Donovan Phone: (408)970-5678 === === Siliconix/TEMIC Inc === === Norm.Donovan@Siliconix.Com === ================================================================================