From: SMTP%"" 10-NOV-1994 22:52:43.42 To: EVERHART CC: Subj: Intercom v3.2 X-Newsgroups: comp.os.vms,vmsnet.sources.d,comp.lang.pascal Subject: Intercom v3.2 Message-ID: <> From: (Steven C. King) Date: 10 Nov 94 00:26:27 -0500 Organization: Eastern Kentucky University Lines: 76 To: Info-VAX@Mvb.Saic.Com X-Gateway-Source-Info: USENET I'm pleased to announce the release of Intercom v3.2. This version took a little longer to release than I had anticipated due to my major. I finally got it completed after slow days at the computer lab where I work. Let me know if problems develop. Cheers! =============================================================================== *** Intercom v3.2 *** Date: November 10, 1994 Intercom is a multi-user communications program that allows several local users to interactively communicate at once. This program should run on VMS v5.5 or higher. Currently, this program doesn't work across DECnet nodes due to my lack of knowledge in network processing. Many users would like to see Intercom work across such nodes. Therefore, I'll be doing some heavy manual reading. If anyone is willing to provide me with some sample source code (C or Pascal will do), I'd highly appreciate it. My site doesn't have any network nodes, so writing Intercom to do such a task can be difficult. Send e-mail to the address indicated below if you have problems. To extract INTERCOMV32.ZIP, use VMS UN- ZIP v5.0 or later. Make sure the files listed are extracted from the ZIP file. Intercom is available via anonymous FTP at in [.VMS]. If you prefer to get only the binaries and documentation, get INTERCOMV32.BCK instead. Cheers, and enjoy the program! Steven C. King Files to be extracted from INTERCOMV32.ZIP: BROADCAST.C - Dick Sloetjes' substitute for SEND CUJ.PAS - Source code for the CUJ$ routines INT$BUILD.COM - Build file for Intercom INT$EDIT.INI - Initialization file for the EDT editor INT$MAKEBOT.DOC - Documentation on creating Intercom bots INT$MAKEBOT.WP - Same but in WordPerfect 5.1 format INT$PINGBOT.PAS - Source code for Pingbot demo program INTERCOM.COM - Command procedure for INTERCOM.EXE INTERCOM.DOC - Intercom documentation INTERCOM.INC - Include file containing data types, variables, and constants INTERCOM.PAS - Source code for Intercom INTERCOM.README - README file INTERCOM.WP - Intercom documentation in WordPerfect 5.1 format INT_MAINT.DOC - Documentation for INT_MAINT INT_MAINT.PAS - Source code INT_MAINT.WP - Documentation for INT_MAINT in WordPerfect 5.1 format INT_ROUTINES.INC - Include file for INTERCOM.PAS containing routines Files to be extracted from INTERCOMV32.BCK: BROADCAST.EXE - Dick Sloetjes' BROADCAST program BROADCAST.OBJ - Objective file for BROADCAST CUJ.OBJ - Objective file for CUJ$ routines INT$BBUILD.COM - Command procedure to build from the binary files INT$EDIT.INI - Initialization file for the EDT editor INT$MAKEBOT.DOC - Documentation on creating a bot INT$MAKEBOT.WP - Same but in WordPerfect 5.1 format INT$PINGBOT.EXE - Pingbot demo program INT$PINGBOT.OBJ - Objective file of the demo program INTERCOM.COM - Command procedure for INTERCOM.EXE INTERCOM.DOC - Intercom documentation INTERCOM.EXE - The program itself INTERCOM.OBJ - Objective file for Intercom INTERCOM.WP - Intercom documentation in WordPerfect 5.1 format INT_MAINT.DOC - Documentation for the maintenance program INT_MAINT.EXE - Intercom maintenance program INT_MAINT.OBJ - Objective file for the maintenance program INT_MAINT.WP - Documentation for the maintenance program in WordPerfect 5.1 format (-----------------------------------------------------------------------------) ( Name: Steven C. King Bitnet Address: STUKING@EKU.BITNET ) ( Univ: Eastern Kentucky University Internet Address: ) ( City: Richmond State: KY A.k.a.: Cuj, Ryu ) ( Zip Code: 40475 Last words: Bliss was it in that dawn ) ( Home: (606)622-4790 to be alive, but to be young was very ) ( Work: (606)622-6208 heaven. ) (-----------------------------------------------------------------------------)