From: SMTP%"RELAY-INFO-VAX@CRVAX.SRI.COM" 5-AUG-1994 14:24:57.95 To: EVERHART CC: Subj: VD file setup Date: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 19:23:13 -0400 (EDT) From: To: Message-Id: <> Subject: VD file setup When I create virtual disk containers on a new disk, I often like to put them physically at the end of the disk and leave a "normal" fkile oops, file area at the start. For this I have the FILE utility and also the frag tool that comes with juicer. Basically, the operation is to initially create a single contiguous file allocating the whole disk first. 1. Use FRAG to find the biggest contiguous disk area. 2. copy/contig/alloc=nnnnnn something.exe disk:[somewhere]file.dsk Then for each file I want to create of M blocks, subtract M from the file size by $ set file/end disk:[somewhere]file.dsk $file/end=(size-M) disk:[somewhere]file.dsk $set file/trunc disk:[somewhere]file.dsk Now I can copy another file of size M to fill in the end of the disk. I use this method to keep allocating areas of disk in big chunks, eventually deleting the original file.dsk file if I don't want the start of the disk filled. of course if you ONLY want virtual disks on a physical volume, the /LBN and /LEN switches can be used and no host file system need ever be specified. This can be done with no wasted space between. In that case you use mou/for/sys on the host disk to get it to be accessible. This can be done at boot. Glenn