Odds and Ends from Glenn Everhart COMPRSDSK.ZIP Brand new compressing readonly disk system. You run a program that makes a compressed image of any VMS disk (ANY file system!) and then another driver/program combo lets you present the compressed image to the system exactly as if you had the original disk present but read-only. Typically saves 50% of space. Vax and Alpha versions, full sources & docs. COMPRS_DSK.ZIP;2 Ditto, latest full sources/build files DFDRIVER_VAX_AXP.ZIP;1 Virtual disk on contig files, SHOULD work with DEC volume shadowing etc. (which has weird ideas about synchronizing...) DF_AXP_VMS_FT70_OBJ.ZIP;1 Object files built on VMS 7.0 ERROR_WEDGE.ZIP;1 Intercept drivers for Vax or Alpha that will retry disk errors of any sort on any disk a few times. Can be very handy with optical disks or with older vax scsi drivers or anywhere that extended error retry is desired. Also useful as an example working intercept. Invisible to user apps when in use. MOREVIRTDSKS.ZIP;1 Template Alpha intercept driver example, virtual disks like VD, etc. REMOTEDISK_AXP64.ZIP;3 Remote virtual disk on alpha VAXOBJ_EXE.ZIP;1 VDUSE.DOC;1 Some info on some of the types of virtual disks.