From: Sent: Friday, June 16, 2000 3:15 PM To: Info-VAX@Mvb.Saic.Com Subject: Re: Mail batch log file In article , "Stephane Paquin" writes: > Does anyone can suggest a way to mail the log file of a batch at the end of > the batch ? Is it possible to obtain the batch log file name while in the > batch procedure ? Step into the wayback machine... The time: November 19, 1996 The place: comp.os.vms Message-ID: <> Hey, Peabody, you're promoting your own posting! Quiet, Sherman. Maybe they won't notice. More recently, this issue resurfaced on DECUServe where Jon Pinkley took the code from that 1996 posting and expanded on it to produce the following which should work fine on both Alpha and VAX. ; PPF translate specified PPF logical name to file specification ; This is based on code posted on comp.os.vms by John Briggs ; on 19 Nov 1996, message-id <> ; Modified by Jon Pinkley to accept a logical name so we can ; get the actual file name of a file opened by DCL. ; This also sets three local symbols, instead of only one. ; ; First delete local symbols PHY_FILE_NAME, ORG_FILE_NAME, ; and FID_FILE_NAME. These will be recreated when we can ; successfully determine them. ; ; PHY_FILE_NAME ; This is the unconcealed name of the file at the time ; it was opened. If it has been renamed, this will ; not be correct. ; ; PHY_FILE_NAME is set as follows: ; If it's a PPF, then do a $DISPLAY with nop= ; and save the resulting file name. ; If it is a record oriented device, (you can't trust ; fab$l_dev for this, you must ask $getdvi), instead ; of using the rsa returned by $display, use the ; nam$t_dvi value. ; (this is the name it had when it was opened.) ; if the device is a terminal, then save only the ; device name. Set FILE_NAME to the saved string. ; If it's not a PPF, exit with warning status CLI$_UNDFIL ; This is after all, meant to be used with PPF's ; ; ORG_FILE_NAME ; This is the concealed name of the file at the time ; it was opened. If it has been renamed, this will ; not be correct. ; ; ORG_FILE_NAME is set as follows: ; If it's a record oriented device ; set ORG_FILE_NAME to nam$l_dev ; otherwise ; do another $DISPLAY, this time displaying ; the concealed name, and set ; ORG_FILE_NAME to the concealed file name. ; ; FID_FILE_NAME is set as follows: ; If nam$l_fid is non zero ; determine the current file name by using lib$fid_to_name. ; Set FID_FILE_NAME to this value. Note that this file ; name will be correct if the file was renamed using the RENAME ; command (but not necessarily if the FID is entered ; multiple times). ; ; Usage: $ ppf :== $some_dir:ppf ; $ ppf [logical_name] ; ; if no logical is specified, then sys$output is assumed ; i.e. the following three are equivalent: ; $ ppf sys$output ; $ ppf ; $ run some_dir:ppf ! foreign command not necessary here ; ; The reason the this is the default is that it is very ; useful to allow a batch process to determine the exact ; filename and version of its log file. ; ; PPF can also be used to determine the version of file ; opened by DCL. Example follows: ; $ open/read foo sys$ ; $ ppf foo ; $ show symbol/local *_file_name ; FID_FILE_NAME = "DISK$USER1:[USERS.JON]LOGIN.COM;181" ; ORG_FILE_NAME = "ROOT$USERS:[JON]LOGIN.COM;181" ; PHY_FILE_NAME = "$4$DKA200:[USERS.][JON]LOGIN.COM;181" ; $ close/nolog foo ; ; example where file gets renamed while it is open ; ; $ open/write foo test.dat ; $ ppf foo ; $ sho sym /loc *_file_name ; FID_FILE_NAME = "DISK$JSCRATCH:[JON.PPF]TEST.DAT;1" ; ORG_FILE_NAME = "DISK$JSCRATCH:[JON.PPF]TEST.DAT;1" ; PHY_FILE_NAME = "$4$DKC204:[JON.PPF]TEST.DAT;1" ; $ ren test.dat;;100 ; $ ppf foo ; $ sho sym /loc *_file_name ; FID_FILE_NAME = "DISK$JSCRATCH:[JON.PPF]JONS.DATA;100" ; ORG_FILE_NAME = "DISK$JSCRATCH:[JON.PPF]TEST.DAT;1" ; PHY_FILE_NAME = "$4$DKC204:[JON.PPF]TEST.DAT;1" ; $ close/nolog foo .psect data,quad,noexe $LNMDEF $FABDEF $NAMDEF $DEVDEF $DVIDEF $CLIMSGDEF .macro errchk, ?skip ; check for error blbs r0, skip ; on success skip this pushl r0 ; push offending status calls #1, g^lib$stop ; and kill this thing skip: .endm errchk ; and that's errchk! fab: $FAB nam=nam nam: $NAM rsa=buffer,- rss=buffer_size,- nop= itemlist: .word buffer_size .word lnm$_string .address buffer .address file_name_desc .long 0 .align quad buffer: .blkb 255 buffer_size=.-buffer .align quad buffer1: .blkb 255 buffer1_size=.-buffer1 .align quad buffer2: .blkb 16 buffer2_size=.-buffer2 .align quad recdev: .blkl 1 dvirec: .long DVI$_REC return_length: .blkw 1 sysout: .ascid /SYS$OUTPUT/ tabnam: .ascid /LNM$FILE_DEV/ phynam: .ascid /PHY_FILE_NAME/ ; name file was originally opened with orgnam: .ascid /ORG_FILE_NAME/ ; same as file_name, concealed fidnam: .ascid /FID_FILE_NAME/ ; name determined by lib$fid_to_name input: .long lnm$c_namlength ; make a descr for .address 2$ ; lib$get_foreign 2$: .blkb lnm$c_namlength ; the buffer itself file_name_desc: .blkw 1 .word 0 .address buffer fid_name_desc: .blkw 1 .word 0 .address buffer1 dvi_name_desc: .blkw 1 .word 0 .address buffer2 .psect code,exe .entry MAIN,^m<> ; Get logical file name of PPF pushal input ; set the length to the length returned pushl #0 ; noprompt pushal input ; write the rec'd data here calls #3, g^lib$get_foreign ; get a command errchk ; check for error cmpw input, #0 ; no input logical specified? bneq 5$ movc3 sysout,@sysout+4,@input+4 ; input = "SYS$OUTPUT" movw sysout,input 5$: ; Delete the symbols we are going to set (ignore errors) pushaq fidnam ; "FID_FILE_NAME" calls #1,g^lib$delete_symbol pushaq orgnam ; "ORG_FILE_NAME" calls #1,g^lib$delete_symbol pushaq phynam ; "PHY_FILE_NAME" calls #1,g^lib$delete_symbol ; Translate specified logical name in LNM$FILE_DEV pushal itemlist pushl #0 pushaq input pushaq tabnam pushl #0 calls #5,g^sys$trnlnm blbs r0,10$ brw 99$ ; error? bail ; Is it a PPF logical name? 10$: cmpw buffer,#^X001b ; Escape, null beql 11$ brw 101$ ; it's not a PPF, quit 11$: ; Use $DISPLAY to get PPF file name movw buffer+2,fab+fab$w_ifi bisw2 #fab$m_ppf_ind,fab+fab$w_ifi $display fab=fab ; first with non-concealed name errchk ; check for error ; Determine if device is a record oriented device ; Note that network devices like node"user pass"::sys$ ; will have nam$t_dvi set to a null string. In this case, just ; treat it like a non-record oriented device. We will handle ; the lack of a FID at a later time. ; copy the nam$t_dvi name into the dvi_name string movzbw nam+nam$t_dvi,dvi_name_desc bneq 12$ brw 20$ ; must be a decnet device name 12$: movc3 dvi_name_desc,nam+nam$t_dvi+1,@dvi_name_desc+4 pushal recdev ; boolean for record oriented device pushaq dvi_name_desc ; device name pushl #0 ; channel not specified pushal dvirec ; address containing DVI$_REC calls #4,g^lib$getdvi errchk tstl recdev ; if record oriented device beql 20$ ; then skip the following ; here we have a record oriented device. Directory and ; file names really don't make a lot of sense. ; set PHY_FILE_NAME to nam$t_dvi and ; ORG_FILE_NAME to nam$l_dev ; leave FID_FILE_NAME undefined pushaq dvi_name_desc pushaq phynam calls #2,g^lib$set_symbol errchk ; copy the nam$l_dev name into the file_name string movzbw nam+nam$b_dev,file_name_desc movc3 file_name_desc,@nam+nam$l_dev,@file_name_desc+4 pushaq file_name_desc pushaq orgnam calls #2,g^lib$set_symbol errchk brw 99$ ; Stuff file name length into descriptor 20$: movzbw nam+nam$b_rsl,file_name_desc ; The file name is all set up in file_name_desc ; Stuff it into the DCL symbol 'PHY_FILE_NAME' 30$: pushaq file_name_desc pushaq phynam calls #2,g^lib$set_symbol errchk ; Use $DISPLAY to get PPF file name concealed bicb2 #, nam+nam$b_nop $display fab=fab blbs r0,40$ ret ; If it fails, exit ; Stuff file name length into descriptor 40$: movzbw nam+nam$b_rsl,file_name_desc ; The file name is all set up in file_name_desc ; Stuff it into the DCL symbol 'ORG_FILE_NAME' pushaq file_name_desc pushaq orgnam calls #2,g^lib$set_symbol errchk ; Now grab the FID from the NAM block and convert ; it to a filename using LIB$FID_TO_NAME, then ; stuff it into the DCL symbol 'FID_FILE_NAME' ; we're going to use buffer1, set the length in ; the descriptor to buffer_size movab buffer1,fid_name_desc+4 ; make sure we have it movzbw #buffer1_size, fid_name_desc ; we are going to reuse the descriptor for the ; nam$t_dvi counted string movzbw nam+nam$t_dvi, file_name_desc beql 99$ ; no FID, bail out movab nam+nam$t_dvi+1, file_name_desc+4 pushaw return_length pushaq fid_name_desc pushaw nam+nam$w_fid pushaq file_name_desc calls #4,g^lib$fid_to_name errchk ; Stuff file name length into descriptor 60$: movzbw return_length,fid_name_desc ; The file name is all set up in file_name_desc ; Stuff it into the DCL symbol 'FID_FILE_NAME' 70$: pushaq fid_name_desc pushaq fidnam calls #2,g^lib$set_symbol 99$: ret 101$: movl #CLI$_UNDFIL,r0 brb 99$ .end main