 * pscan: http://www.striker.ottawa.on.ca/~aland/pscan/
 * Copyright (C) 2000 Alan DeKok 
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
static const char rcsid[] = "$Id: pscan.c,v 1.2 2000/07/07 17:24:18 aland Exp $";

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include "pscan.h"

extern int yylex();
extern int yylineno;
extern FILE *yyout, *yyin;

 *  This function does nothing useful.
int yywrap()

static int verbose = 0;
static char *filename;

#define FSM_MAX_STACK 8192
static parser_state_t fsm_stack[FSM_MAX_STACK];
static int stack_index = 0;
parser_state_t *state = NULL;

static int total_problems = 0;

 *  The statically defined list of problem functions,
 *  common to most C libraries.
static problem_t problem_functions[] = {
  { "vsprintf", 1},
  { "vfprintf", 1},
  { "vprintf", 0},
  { "vsnprintf", 2},
  { "snprintf", 2},
  { "sprintf", 1},
  { "fprintf", 1},
  { "fscanf", 1},
  { "printf", 0},
  { "scanf", 0},
  { "sscanf", 1},
  { "syslog", 1},
  { "setproctitle", 0},

  { NULL, 0}

 *  User-supplied problem functions.
 *  Yes, this is only a static buffer, but I'm too lazy to code
 *  a proper malloc/linked list replacement.  Sue me.  This works.
static problem_t user_problem_functions[MAX_USER_PROBLEMS];
static int user_problems = 0;

 *  Print out a usage string.
static void usage(void)
  fprintf(stderr, "Usage: pscan [-v] [-p problem_file] <files ...>\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "Attempts to discover a number of common security abuses in C source files.\n\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "  -v       Verbose mode.  Can be use multiple times for more output.\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "  -p file  Read additional problem <function,offset> definitions from <file>.\n");

 *  Read a problem file.  This consists of a function name,
 *  and an offset of the format string.
void read_problem_file(const char *file)
  FILE *fp;
  char buffer[1024];
  char name[1024];
  int num, offset;
  int line;
  char *p;

   *  Can we open the file that they gave us?
  fp = fopen(file, "r");
  if (!fp) {
    fprintf(stderr, "pscan: Error opening %s: %s\n",
	    file, strerror(errno));

   *  Loop over the input file
  line = 0;
  while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp)) {

     *  Sanity check the input buffer.
    if (strchr(buffer, '\n') == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr, "pscan: %s:%d: Input line too long\n", file, line);

     *  Ignore leading whitespace.
    for (p = buffer; (*p == ' ') || (*p == '\t'); p++)
      /* nothing */;

     *  Skip blank lines and comments
    if ((*p == '\n') || (*p == '#')) {

     *  Check for stupid buffer over-flows.
    if (user_problems >= MAX_USER_PROBLEMS) {
      fprintf(stderr, "pscan: Too many user-defined problem functions.\n");

     *  Scan for the filename & line.
    num = sscanf(buffer, "%s%d", name, &offset);
    if (num != 2) {
      fprintf(stderr, "pscan: %s:%d: Expected 2 parameters, got %d\n",
	      file, line, num);

     *  Copy the function/offset into our data structure.
    user_problem_functions[user_problems].function = strdup(name);
    user_problem_functions[user_problems].fmt_arg = offset;


 *  main, where everything happens.
int main(int argc,char **argv)
  int i;
  int argval;

   *  Get command-line options.
  while ((argval = getopt(argc, argv, "hp:v")) != EOF) {
    switch (argval) {

    case 'h':

    case 'v':

    case 'p':

   *  Sanity check arguments, to be sure there's at least one file we
   *  can open.
  if (optind == argc) {

   *  Loop over the input files, scanning them for problems.
  for (i = optind; i < argc; i++) {
     *  Initialize the stack, throwing away anything from the last file.
    stack_index = 0;
    state = &fsm_stack[0];
    filename = argv[i];

     *  Initialize the current state.
    state->problem = NULL;
    state->line = 0;
    state->args = 0;
    state->constant_string = FALSE;
    state->last_token = NOT_PROBLEMATIC;
    state->braces = 0;
    /* Open the source file for reading */
    if ((yyin = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr, "pscan: Error opening %s: %s.\n", filename,
      printf("%s\n", strerror(errno));
    yyout = NULL;
     *  Initialize our variables.
    yylineno = 1;
    if (verbose) {
      printf("Scanning %s ...\n", filename);
     *  Let the lexer parse the whole file.
    while (yylex())

    /* close the input file */

   *  And finally, print out a summary of the total problems.
  if (total_problems != 0) {
    if (verbose) {
      printf("Total problems identified: %d\n", total_problems);

 *  Check the number of arguments to the function, and was the LAST
 *  argument a constant string?
void check_function(parser_state_t *state)
  assert(state != NULL);

  if (verbose == 0) {
     *  The problem function has the SAME number of arguments as the
     *  placement of the format argument.  i.e. The LAST argument of the
     *  function is the format string.
     *  If the last argument of the function is a constant string, then
     *  there can't be any security problems, so don't complain.
     *  Otherwise, print out a complaint noting the source file,
     *  line number, and function name.
    if ((state->problem->fmt_arg == state->args) &&
	(state->constant_string != TRUE)) {

      printf("%s:%d FUNC %s\n",

  } else {
     *  verbose = 1, print out more stuff.
    printf("%s:%d FUNC %s ", filename, state->line,
    if (state->problem->fmt_arg == state->args) {
      printf("Last argument is ");
      if (state->constant_string) {
	printf("constant string: OK\n");
      } else {
	printf("variable or reference: BAD\n");
    } else {
      printf("format string with %d parameters: OK\n",
	     state->args - state->problem->fmt_arg);

 *  Scan the current token to see if it's on the list of problem
 *  functions that we care about.
parser_state_t *setup_checks(const char *name, parser_state_t *state)
  problem_t *problem;
  int i;

   *  Loop over the list of problem functions, seeing if we have a match.
  for (problem = &problem_functions[0]; problem->function != NULL; problem++) {

     *  We have a match!  Set up the current stack, and return.
    if (strcmp(problem->function, name) == 0) {
      if (state->last_token == PROBLEMATIC) {
	state = push_stack(state);

      state->problem = problem;
      state->line = yylineno;
      state->braces = 0;
      state->args = 0;
      state->constant_string = FALSE;
      state->last_token = PROBLEMATIC;
      return state;

   *  No user-supplied problems.  Return the current state to the caller.
  if (user_problems == 0) {
    return state;

   *  Loop over the list of problem functions, seeing if we have a match.
  for (i = 0; i < user_problems; i++) {
    problem = &user_problem_functions[i];

     *  We have a match!  Set up the current stack, and return.
    if (strcmp(problem->function, name) == 0) {
      if (state->last_token == PROBLEMATIC) {
	state = push_stack(state);

      state->problem = problem;
      state->line = yylineno;
      state->braces = 0;
      state->args = 0;
      state->constant_string = FALSE;
      state->last_token = PROBLEMATIC;
      return state;

  return state;

 *  Pop an entry off of the stack, and return it to the caller.
parser_state_t *pop_stack(void)
  assert(stack_index >= 0);

   *  This works around stupid state thingies.
  if (stack_index == 0) {
    return &fsm_stack[stack_index];

  return &fsm_stack[stack_index];

 *  Push an entry onto the stack, and return a new entry to use.
parser_state_t *push_stack(parser_state_t *state)
  assert(state == &fsm_stack[stack_index]);
  assert(stack_index < FSM_MAX_STACK);

  return &fsm_stack[stack_index];

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