[Sedt] [Description] SEDT is a multiplatform text editor, developed by Anker Berg-Sonne, that runs on VMS, UNIX, DOS and Windows. SEDT is completely programmable and comes with two key mapping schemes: one that emulates the Digital EDT editor's keypad mode, and another that gives full editor functionality from the typewriter keyboard, without keypad or function keys. Among the many features, block mode cut and paste and the ability to record keystroke macros and program keys on the fly have proven the most popular. SEDT looks and feels identical on all platforms, which makes it ideal for individuals who move frequently between platforms. SEDT is also extremely fast. [Platforms] SEDT kits are available for the following platforms: * MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows * VAX VMS * VAX Ultrix * MIPS Ultrix * Alpha UNIX * Alpha VMS * HP UX * LINUX * SGI * Source kit for UNIX [FTP Availability] There is no longer a license fee for SEDT and no future versions are planned. You are free to copy SEDT, use it, and port it to any platform. However, Anker Berg-Sonne does retain the copyright on the sources. Please forward information on any new ports to Anker@ultranet.com, so that they can be posted on the site for everyone's benefit. [FTP Availability] The following SEDT kits are available by anonymous ftp at the URL ftp://ftp.ultranet.com/pub/anker/sedt/: * DOS (DOS self-extracing archive): seddos.exe (602 KB, 3/20/96) * Windows (DOS self-extracting archive): sedwin.exe (332 KB, 3/20/96) * VMS (DOS self-extracing archive): sedvms.exe (326 KB, 1/14/95) * DOS sources (DOS self-extracting archive): sedsrc.exe (194 KB, 5/14/95) * VAX ULTRIX: vax.tar (676 KB, 1/14/95) * MIPS ULTRIX: mips.tar (788 KB, 1/14/95) * Alpha UNIX: alpha.tar.gz (503 KB, 2/7/96) * Alpha VMS: sedalp.exe (273 KB, 5/14/95) * HP UX: hpux.tar (778 KB, 1/14/95) * LINUX: linux.tar.gz (378 KB, 2/7/96) * SGI: sgi.tar.gz (501 KB, 2/7/96) The SGI, LINUX and Alpha UNIX kits all contain complete sources for the UNIX versions. SEDT should build easily on most UNIX systems. Best experienced with [Designed and Developed by Mercurial Media] [Image] Click here to start.