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Copyright © 1997-2000 Mark Russinovich
Last Update June 12, 2000, Version 2.22
Introduction A question that I often get asked is "Do you know of a utility that will show me which DLLs are loaded on Windows 9x or NT?". The answer I gave up until recently was "no", until I discovered a tool in the Windows NT Resource Kit called tlist that does show this information. I decided to write a free-ware version, ListDLLs. Unlike tlist, however, ListDLLs is able to show you the full path names of loaded modules - not just their base names. In addition, ListDLLs will flag loaded DLLs that have different version numbers than their corresponding on-disk files (which occurs when the file is updated after a program loads the DLL), and can tell you which DLLs were relocated because they are not loaded at their base address.

You can also get HandleEx or DLLView, a GUI version for Windows 9x

Installation Just copy ListDLLs onto your executable path, and type "listdlls".

ListDLLs works on Windows 9x, NT 3.51, NT 4.0, and Win2K.
Usage The default behavior of ListDLLs is to show all the DLLs that are currently loaded, dividing the display into processes. The information listed for each DLL includes the address at which it is loaded in a process, its size, and its version number if it has one. A process name can also be specified as a command-line argument to only list the DLLs loaded by that process.

ListDLLs queries a module's file on disk for version information, but if the file has been updated since a program loaded it then the version information displayed by ListDLLs will not accurately reflect the version loaded by the application. In such cases ListDLLs flags the difference and displays the build timestamps of both the on-disk and in-memory versions of the module.

usage: listdlls [-r] [process name | process id]
           listdlls [-r] [-d dllname]
      process name Instead of listing all the loaded DLLs in the system, this parameter narrows ListDLLs' scan to those processes that begin with the name process. Thus:

listdlls exp

would dump the loaded DLLs for all processes that start with "exp", which would include Explorer.
      process id Instead of listing all the loaded DLLs in the system, this parameter narrows ListDLLs' scan to tthe process that has the specified PID. Thus:

listdlls 53

would dump the loaded DLLs for the process with the PID 53.
      dll name Instead of listing all the loaded DLLs in the system, this parameter narrows ListDLLs' scan to those processes that have the specified dll loaded. Thus:

listdlls -d mpr.dll

would dump information for processes that have mpr.dll loaded and only present information for the mpr.dll module in those processes.
      -r If you specify this option ListDLLs flags DLLs that are loaded at an address different from their base address. These DLLs require relocation, which can increase the startup time of an application.
How it Works ListDLLs is actually quite simple. On NT/Win2K it uses NtQuerySystemInformation to ask NT to return a buffer filled with information about every process in the system. This information includes process names and process IDs. Then it calls an undocumented function in NTDLL.DLL to enumerate the modules loaded for each process. The information returned includes the loaded address, size, and full path name of the modules. The undocumented Image Help library (imagehlp.dll) function EnumerateLoadedModules routine comes close to providing this same information, but does not return full path names. For every loaded moduled, ListDLLs calls GetFileVersionInfo to obtain the module's version number.

On Windows 9x ListDLLs uses the ToolHelp32 API.
More Information You can find documentation for Image Help and ToolHelp32 functions in MSDN.

Download ListDLLs (x86 - 45KB)

Download ListDLLs (Alpha - 38KB)