[Previous] [Next] [Table of Contents] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.1 Customizing POV-Ray v3.1g for OpenVMS. Basically, the only customizations that need to be done is to edit the POVRAY.INI file for your own personal perferences. You will have to edit the Library_path section to point to where you have installed the POV-Ray include files of you will have to use the +L qualifier to point to the library path. One thing that you have to be aware of is that all directory paths that you specify in the POVRAY.INI file have to be in Unix format. Example: The directory of DISK$WORK:[POVRAY31] would translate to "/disk$work/povray31" in Unix format. The POVRAY.INI file can be found in the root of the POV-Ray distribution tree. Check the POV-Ray documentation for more information on options for the POVRAY.INI file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.2 Testing POV-Ray v3.1g for OpenVMS. You have done the following: * Compiled POV-Ray v3.1g for OpenVMS as outlined in Building POV-Ray v3.1g for OpenVMS. * Customized the POVRAY.INI file to suite your installation and needs as outlined in Customizing POV-Ray v3.1g for OpenVMS. And now you want to test POV-Ray to make sure it works. Here's a test you can try. 1. Go to the [.SCENES.ADVANCED] directory under your POV-Ray distribution tree. 2. Enter one of the following commands depending on which version of POV-Ray for OpenVMS you compiled. $ POVRAY +I SKYVASE.POV +V1 -D +FT -X +A0.300 +R3 -Q9 -W640 -H480 -MV2.0 +B1000 OR $ XPOVRAY +I SKYVASE.POV +V1 +D +FT -X +A0.300 +R3 -Q9 -W640 -H480 -MV2.0 +B1000 3. If all went well, you should have a Targa file called SKYVASE.TGA with your renedered image. If you used XPOVRAY you should be seeing the image render line by line and displayed in a seperate window. If you compiled POV-Ray on an Alpha platform, you can test out the radiosity feature in POV-Ray by doing the following... 1. Go to the [.SCENES.RADIOS] directory under your POV-Ray distribution tree. 2. Enter one of the following commands depending on which version of POV-Ray for OpenVMS you compiled. $ POVRAY +I RAD2.POV +V1 -D +FT -X +A0.300 +R3 -Q9 +QR -W640 -H480 +B1000 OR $ XPOVRAY +I RAD2.POV +V1 +D +FT -X +A0.300 +R3 -Q9 +QR -W640 -H480 +B1000 3. If all went well, you should have a Targa file called RAD2.TGA with your renedered image. If you used XPOVRAY you should be seeing the image render line by line and displayed in a seperate window. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Previous] [Next] [Table of Contents] [Image] [Image]