PROGRAMS.TXT - Cross Reference of DCL Commands to the Programs which 13-JUL-1998 Facilitate Them ==================================================================== The following provides a listing derived from the .CLD files for VMS distributions. This list is provided in the hope that it can become the basis for a "task list". The list is not 100% complete, but it does cover most of the commonly used commands. A section at the end contains suggestions for additional commands which are not found in traditional VMS. Your updates and corrections are welcome. For any release of VAX/VMS or OpenVMS from Digital, the .CLD files can be found in the .A saveset of the distribution. Refer to them for a complete list of qualifiers supported by each (variant of each) command. Most of the commands not found in the following list are implemented as "internal" commands in DCL; that is, they are not facilitated by a program external to DCL. The commands listed here are those for which a program is needed other than DCL. The image names listed below are as found in the .CLD files. Other names for some images may be more appropriate. In the following list, the main command is shown with it's related "default" image, along with any keywords or qualifiers which modify the image name and the name of the image invoked by each keyword or qualifier. Command Keyword or /Qualifier Image name ---------------------------------------+----------------------------------- ACCOUNTING ACC APPEND COPY ANALYZE ANALYZOBJ /AUDIT ANALAUDIT /CRASH_DUMP SDA /DISK_STRUCTURE VERIFY /ERROR_LOG ERF /IMAGE ANALYZOBJ /MEDIA ANALYZBAD /OBJECT ANALYZOBJ /PROCESS_DUMP ANALIMDMP /RMS_FILE ANALYZRMS /SYSTEM SDA BACKUP BACKUP CONVERT CONVERT /RECLAIM RECLAIM COPY COPY /FTP OPENVMS$FTP /RCP OPENVMS$RCP CREATE CREATE /FDL CREATEFDL DELETE DELETE /CHARACTERISTIC QUEMAN /ENTRY QUEMAN /FORM QUEMAN /INTRUSION CIA /KEY cliroutine delkey /QUEUE QUEMAN /MANAGER QUEMAN /SYMBOL cliroutine delsym DIFFERENCES DIFF DIRECTORY DIRECTORY /APPLICATION_PROTOCOL=FTAM OSIF$DIR /FTP OPENVMS$FTPDIR DISABLE AUTOSTART QUEMAN QUEUE QUEMAN DISMOUNT DISMOUNT DUMP DUMP EDIT TPU /ACL ACLEDT /DPE DPE /EDT EDT /FDL EDF (EDF_TV) /SLP SUMSLP /SUM SUMSLP /TECO TECO (TECO32_TV) /TPU TPU ENABLE AUTOSTART QUEMAN QUEUE QUEMAN EXCHANGE EXCHANGE /NETWORK EXCHANGE$NETWORK HELP HELP INITIALIZE INIT /QUEUE QUEMAN INSTALL INSTALL LIBRARIAN LIBRARIAN /RSX11 BACKTRANS LICENSE LMF /GENERATE PAK$DIR:PAK$USER.EXE LINK LINK MACRO MACRO32 (or ALPHA_MACRO) /ALPHA MACRO64 /MIGRATION ALPHA_MACRO /RSX11 BACKTRANS /VAX MACRO32 MAIL MAIL /DECMAIL DECMAIL /SERVER MAIL_SERVER MESSAGE MESSAGE MONITOR MONITOR (MONITOR_TV) MOUNT VMOUNT PHONE PHONE PRINT SUBMIT RENAME RENAME REPLY REPLY REQUEST REQUEST RUN cliroutine run (Process) RUNDET RUNOFF RUNOFF /CONTENTS DSRTOC /INDEX DSRINDEX SET ACCOUNTING SET ACL SETSHOSECUR AUDIT SETAUDIT BROADCAST SET CARD_READER SET CLASSIFICATION SETSHOCLASS CLUSTER SET COMMAND CDU CONTROL_Y cliroutine setctly DAY SET DEVICE SET DEFAULT cliroutine setdefalt DIRECTORY /ACL SETSHOSECUR /CLASSIFICATION SETSHOCLASS /EDIT ACLEDT DISPLAY DECW$SETSHODIS ENTRY QUEMAN FILE /ACL SETSHOSECUR /CLASSIFICATION SETSHOCLASS /EDIT ACLEDT HOST RTPAD /BTS BTSLNK /DTE DTEPAD /DUP HSCPAD /HSC HSCPAD /LAT LTPAD /MOP NET$CCR /RLOGIN OPENVMS$RLOGIN /SNA SNATERM /TELNET OPENVMS$TELNET /TN3270 OPENVMS$TN3270 /VTP VTPAD /X29 PSIPAD KEY SET LANGUAGE SET LOGINS SET MAGTAPE SET MESSAGE SETP0 ON cliroutine seton OUTPUT_RATE cliroutine setflush PASSWORD SETP0 PREFIX cliroutine setprefix PRINTER SET PROCESS SET PROMPT cliroutine setprompt PROTECTION SET /DEFAULT cliroutine setprot RESTART_VALUE QUEMAN RMS_DEFAULT SET QUEUE QUEMAN RIGHTS_LIST SETRIGHTS SECURITY SETSHOSECUR SERVER SETSHOSERVER SYMBOL (cliroutine setsymbol) TEMPLATE SEVMS$SETSHOWTEMPLATE TERMINAL SET TIME SET UIC cliroutine setuic VERIFY cliroutine setverify WATCH SETWATCH WORKING_SET SET START /CPU SMPUTIL /QUEUE QUEMAN /ZONE FTSS$UTIL STOP /CPU SMPUTIL /ENTRY QUEMAN /QUEUE QUEMAN /ZONE FTSS$UTIL SUBMIT SUBMIT /SNA SNASUBMIT SYNCHRONIZE QUEMAN TYPE TYPE UNLOCK UNLOCK Additional Commands We Would Like to See: ARCHIVE /COMPRESS= GZIP GZIP TAR[BALL] CPIO ZIP ZIP /DECOMPRESS= GZIP GUNZIP TAR[BALL] CPIO ZIP UNZIP This command should support all the existing DCL-format qualifiers for ZIP and UNZIP. Both programs may need a modification to support the ARCHIVE verb. The GZIP and GUNZIP programs (usually two names for the same program - it supports both compress and decompress) may need modification to support the ARCHIVE verb and the CLI$ routines. Likewise, the CPIO program would need to be ported from BSD/Linux to VMS and have support added for the ARCHIVE verb and the CLI$ routines. ASSEMBLE GAS This command is intended to invoke the Gnu Assembler directly, without using Gnu-C or Gnu-C++ as a cross-compiler. This could replace the MACROxx assembler. Presumably, there would be a suitable version of GAS available for each CPU supported by the Mach kernel. DELETE /TREE DELTREE This was discussed in the FreeVMS Mailing List. It is recommended that the DELTREE.EXE program _NOT_ be installed with privileges. The program should scan the files in the tree to ensure that there are no non-deletable files in any path in the tree _BEFORE_ any files are actually deleted. Suitably privileged users could then use the SET PROCESS/PRIVILEGE=BYPASS command to overcome any protection related problems. Files which are in use would still remain non- deleteable. A /OVERRIDE qualifier could be implemented allowing files in use to marked for deletion and be removed from the directory. MORE MORE This command would perform as expected: accept input on its stdin stream and provide output on its stdout stream. The user response (any keystroke) should be solicited on the stdcmd stream (i.e., SYS$COMMAND - no UNIX equivalent). Additionally, it should support a subset of common text editor functions, allowing the user to scroll back () and forward () without being subject to the current /PAGE=SAVE limitations.