VMS Path Specifications include three basic elements:
All of these elements are always in upper case and
are not case sensitive or case preserving.
O.K. Let's take those in reverse order...
This portion of the VMS Path Specification is the most complex. Like DOS and unlike UN*X, it has a structure. Each element of the structure is significant.
The "Filename" and ".Extension" portions can each contain up to 39 characters. However, only one "dot" (".", a period) can appear in this portion of the VMS Path Specification. You'll see why later.
The ".Extension" portion is significant, like in DOS. When you run a program or invoke a command, the "image activator" looks for files with a ".EXE" extension by default. (A default value is one that is used when you do not specify a value explicitly.) When you invoke a command procedure (using the "@" operator), DCL looks for a file with a .COM extension by default.
The "Filename" and ".Extension" portions can contain characters from "A" to "Z", "0" to "9", "$" (a dollar sign), "_" (an underscore), or "-" (a dash or hyphen). No other "special" characters are allowed. Avoid the "$" (dollar sign) and "-" (hyphen) characters for ISO-9660 compatibility.
The ";Version" portion represents a version number which can range from 1 to 32767 (the maximum positive value that can be expressed in a signed word integer). This concept is foreign to both DOS and UN*X. Note that on UN*X you can include, for example, ";1" at the end of a filename, as in "/usr/mydir/myfile.txt;1". However, the ";1" portion of a filename is meaningless to UN*X itself or the shell, although the smei-colon (";") can have a special meaning to some shells.
On OpenVMS, the first version of a file has the version number ";1". Each subsequent version receives a higher version number. When files are listed, or when "searching" for files (F$SEARCH() in DCL, or LIB$FIND_FILE in a program), files are located in descending order by their version number, but alphabetically by name and extension.
The Directory portion of a VMS Path Specification indicates the path through the directory structure to a file. This is the only portion of a VMS Path Specification which can contain multiple "dots" (".", periods). The dots are used to delimit directories in the path, much the same way that UN*X uses slashes and DOS uses back-slashes. The entire expression is enclosed in square brackets ("[]").
Like DOS or UNIX, a directory is a special kind of file. Although it always has an extension of .DIR (unlike DOS or UN*X), there is a special flag which indicates that the file is a directory (like DOS or UN*X). This "attribute" of the file is only visible using DUMP/HEADER or DIRECTORY/FULL.
The Device portion of a VMS Path Specification can be the most deceiving. It can be a physical device name, a "logical name" which equates to a physical device name, a "logical name" which equates to a physical (or logical!) device name plus the entire path (a "non-rooted" logical name), or a "logical name" which equates to a physical device name plus a portion of a path (a "rooted" logical name).
By contrast, DOS uses only a single letter (a "drive letter"). The concept is foreign to UN*X because the whole of the available disk storage is viewed in UN*X as a single resource, regardless of how many physical devices that may include.
The VMS device name also has a structure. The expression "ddcu" is often used in examples to represent the device name. In "ddcu:": the "dd" portion indicates the device type (two(2) letters); the "c" portion indicates the controller number relative to first controller for that device type in the system (one(1) letter, "A" thru "Z"); the "u" portion indicates the unit number of the device on the controller (one(1) to four(4) digits, "0" thru "9999").
Examples of Device Types:
Examples of Device Names:
Logical Names - Non-Rooted
Logical names can be used to represent a device name and the complete path to a file.
Non-rooted logical names can include rooted logical names in their translations.
Logical Names - Rooted
Logical names can also be used to represent a device name and a portion of the path to a file.
Rooted logical names must be DEFINEd (or ASSIGNed) using either physical device names or executive (or higher) mode logical names. You may actually see SYS$SYSROOT and SYS$COMMON translated like so:
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