
GTK+ v1.2.8 For OpenVMS Patch Kit.

By: Robert Alan Byer

The OpenVMS port of GTK+ was specifically built for OpenVMS Alpha using DEC C v6.2. Most OpenVMS Hobbyist only have DEC C v6.0-001 that comes on the OpenVMS Hobbyist CD. This presents a problem...

To resolve this problem, with the help of Colin Blake, I have put this patch kit together so that one with an older version of DEC C can compile and link the GTK+ libraries.

So below are the directions for downloading and install the patch kit so one can compile GTK+ with pre DEC C v6.2 compilers.

What do I need....

Here's what you will need to build GTK+ using a pre DEC C v6.2 compiler on OpenVMS Alpha.

  1. You need to download, compile and instll the latest version of the OpenVMS Porting library. You can get the latest version of the OpenVMS Porting library from. http://www.openvms.digital.com/openvms/products/ips/porting.html

  2. You will need the latest version of GTK+ for OpenVMS Alpha. This can be found at. http://www.openvms.digital.com/openvms/products/ips/gtk.html

  3. A copy of my GTK+ OpenVMS patch kit. This can be found at. http://www.ourservers.net/public/vms/programming/vms_gtk128_patch.zip

Building GTK+ For OpenVMS Alpha With Pre v6.2 DEC C Compiler.

O.k., you have everything listed above. Here's what you need to do...

  1. Unpack, compile and install the OpenVMS Porting library as per the directions given in the kit.

  2. Create a directory to put GTK+. For sake or argument we use DISK$WORK:[GTK128] for this example.

    	$ SET DEFAULT DISK$WORK:[000000]
  3. Unpack the OpenVMS Alpha GTK+ kit into the directory you just made.

  4. Unpack my VMS_GTK128_PATCH.ZIP kit ON TOP OF the GTK+ kit you just unpacked REPLACING the files.

  5. Edit the VMS_BUILD_SETUP.COM file to suite your needs. MAKE SURE that you uncomment the DEFINE statement for PRE_DECC_V6_2 or you defeat the purpose of this kit.

    If you don't have Perl and you don't have AWK, uncomment out the DEFINE statement for NO_PERL_AWK or the kit won't build.

  6. Execute the VMS_BUILD.COM script.

    	$ @VMS_BUILD
  7. If all went well, you should have four EXE's in the following directories.


    If you have the above, everything went well and you have your libraries.
