Convert text to HTML web pages with AscToHTM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ AscToHTM is a simple to use, yet powerful and highly configurable utility that will convert text to HTML web page files. It converts plain text files (.txt) by recognising headings, bullets, use of emphasis, multiple indentation levels, tables, code samples and ascii art in the original document. Where tables are detected in the original text it will generate full HTML tables. It can add hyperlinks to section numbers, URLs, email addresses, USENET newsgroups and to user-specified keywords. It can also generate a hyperlinked contents list whilst converting each text file and add Title, colours, standard HTML headers and footers, style sheets and JavaScript to each page generated. The software comes with an extensive help file and HTML documentation (which it converted from txt to html itself, naturally). You can read and download a copy of this on-line documentation here. The program is available as shareware under Windows 95/98/NT and freeware under OpenVMS. It is a great time saver for novice and expert alike, and has been awarded 5 stars at ZDNet, Danworld, FileDudes and others (see the reviews of AscToHTM). Download, Registration and Pricing The current version is 3.3, released in June 2000. * Download the Windows trial version (1.5Mb) (If you experience problems you can also get it from this from * Download the OpenVMS version * More about the shareware versions * Registration and pricing * If you experience problems downloading from this site try the alternative download sites or contact the author John A Fotheringham. More information * What's new and Update history * Update history * AscToHTM FAQ * Read descriptions of what AscToHTM does and how AscToHTM converts text to HTML * Browse the on-line documentation, or download the doco in .zip file and read it offline. * Look at a more detailed description of the text to HTML conversions possible, some some example conversions and some screen shots of the Windows version If you wish any other information contact the author John A Fotheringham. Awards You can read the reviews of AscToHTM. In the meantime, here's some pretty pictures and a few choice quotes to give you a flavour. [Featured at lockergnome] Featured software at LockerGnome [WebAttack- Gold Editor's pick] [5 stars at ZDNet] "The best text to HTML [5 nobull stars] converter I've seen". ZDNet WebAttack No Bull Software reviews [A Jim tool] "I tested over 25 different [cool dude][cool dude][cool dude][cool dude][cool dude] programs looking for the best In our tests, AscToHTM usually produced better-looking text-to-html converter. This output than Microsoft Word's AutoFormat feature was the best I found" [5 star program] File Dudes Virtual Promote Shareware Junkies If I were still creating web pages for a living I would [4 cows] [This program is included in the RegistryFAQ - Get it now!] [4 stars] quit. No one would want to pay 5-star shareware me to do something as easy as Tucows AscToHTM makes it (Selected as "Head of herd" for 13-Dec-1999) Christian Computing magazine [silver award] [5 globes] "The best text to HTML coverter currently available" Simply the best. Silver award Dan World Webmaster Resources Really Big shareware archive [HTML Featured Site] [HTML Featured Site] [VirtualPromote select site] CHIP online (Germany) featured HTML site VirtualPromote select site A1 Yippee Links * read a list of useful shareware related sites and a list of reciprocal links * You can receive product announcements for AscToHTM and related software by signing up to the announcements mailing list below. Join our announcements mailing list! Enter your email address below, then click the 'Join List' button: [Image] Powered by ListBot ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [home] [news] [products] [ordering] [search this site] [Converted by AscToHTML] For more information contact [Image]