From: John E. Malmberg [] Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 9:47 PM To: Info-VAX@Mvb.Saic.Com Subject: Re: where to get GCC 2.8.1 "Bernd Eckstein" wrote in message > Can anybody tell me where to download the latest > GCC-images for VMS/VAX (is it 2.8.1 ?). I only found > 2.7.1 on my altavista-search. > A link in the OpenVMS FAQ will take you to: And then proceed to: To get some possible missing pieces. There are header files for using the socket routines and the LIBERTY porting library. It is probably a bit out of date from the LINUX versions, but I have not seen anyone admit to a later revision. Extra Credit: Fix up the main GCC image so that it works using the .CLD file. It currently only works using a foreign command and the source provided does not seem to match the executable or the .CLD file. The reason that I am no longer working with GCC is that DEC C is available free with the OpenVMS hobby program. -John