From: Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2000 4:09 PM To: Info-VAX@Mvb.Saic.Com Subject: got to remember to STOP trying to use OpenVMS... I should know better by now. I really need to put up a sign on top of my monitor that says: "STOP, are you insane? Don't use OpenVMS for THAT!" Where "THAT" is pretty much everything I do. Having neglected that rule this morning I wasted a couple of hours on the usual wild goose chase. It all started when a user told me "I want StackPack, can we get it?" (It's a program that clusters EST sequences and keeps track of the results.) So I contacted the people who distribute it, which in due course led to the following package dependencies: StackPack (C++) autoconf sql database which speaks odbc freeodbc++ ( autoconf unixODBC (C and C++ and lots of .sh) ( OR libiodbc (below) qt ( autoconf libiodbc (C) ( The good news - qt is available from the URL shown (but not from Compaq) and some fellow from had provided a .com to build libiodc, but apparently from 6.x, and I don't know if it works on 7.2-1 or with the current version of libiodbc. That .com was a good thing for without it there would have been an autoconf dependency on that package too. Ironically the README says: As the iODBC driver manager uses autoconf/automake/libtool it should be portable to most modern UNIX platforms out of the box. We all know that for platforms which don't support autoconf etc., most notably OpenVMS, it is a PITA to deal with these sorts of packages. But what are you going to do - that's the way the Unix guys build packages these days. Anyway, this is like far too many pieces of software I see. The only way to even start to build this sort of package for OpenVMS requires that I first build it on a Unix box - and if I'm going to do that, why bother doing it over again for OpenVMS? Moreover, there's a fair chance that that build will work the first time on Unix, whereas to make it work on OpenVMS will almost certainly require weeks of work, with success not being guaranteed in any case. Especially if part of the port requires also porting an entire database. Before Kerry or anybody else starts in with the DII-COE story, I just want to point out how very high the bar is for that to make any real difference in my (or anybody else's) ability to get software running on OpenVMS. To put OpenVMS back in the game that environment must be so Unix compatible that all of these packages would have built with no more effort than a minor tweak or two to the configuration files. I don't know what the DII-COE specs say, but the real acid test for the usefulness of this product would be to see how many "unix" packages randomly selected from freshmeat or any other Unixy software site build AND work with no or only minor modifications. Yes, that means that they must also fix the 32k and 64k limitations in RMS and elsewhere, as exposed by the C RTL, because those don't exist anywhere else and they do break software, and also all of the X11 incompatibilities. And they'll also have to fix the various performance problems which have been beaten to death here already and make OpenVMS a very unattractive option. Such a tall order, and DII-COE has such a smell of "son of POSIX" about it - mere window dressing - a check off on some capabilities list for a government bureaucracy. Ah what's the point? Compaq management doesn't give a rat's ass about any of this. Or if they do, that's even sadder, because they're doing a pretty poor job of dealing with any of it - on every level. Renaissance? No signs of it around here. They're happy with $4B when they should be shooting for $40B. Time to walk away, or real soon anyway - there's still that one package we use that doesn't have a Linux/Alpha version or a suitable replacement. And that is ALL that's keeping our one OpenVMS system from an immediate and irreversable OS change. I'm going to miss having a nice secure OS, but if that nice secure OS can't hardly be used for the work we need to do, it has to go. Regards, David Mathog Manager, sequence analysis facility, biology division, Caltech