DECUServe VMS Conference 3064.9 [Next-Reply] [Prev-Reply] [Next-Topic] [Prev-Topic] [ConfDir-Paged-New>Old] [ConfDir-Paged-Old>New] [ConfDir-All-New>Old][ConfDir-All-Old>New] Directory of conferences This topic directory --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note 3064.9 X10 / X-10 / BSR / Home Automation 9 of 15 EISNER::COVERT "" 12 lines 10-JAN-2000 10:04 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note that at the moment, we're still sending X10 commands via RF through the firecracker interface, and using the CM11 receive only. The program in .-1 needs to be enhanced to also send X10 commands directly over the power line, and then the Firecracker will be retired. CM11.COM also needs to be enhanced to maintain its best guess of status (which can't take local control into account but can still be useful for macros, such as for a living-room five-bulb pole lamp that I want to turn on in a slightly dimmed state by default). And the CGI script needs to display this status. /john --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Next-Reply] [Prev-Reply] [Next-Topic] [Prev-Topic] [ConfDir-Paged-New>Old] [ConfDir-Paged-Old>New] [ConfDir-All-New>Old][ConfDir-All-Old>New] Directory of conferences This topic directory --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECUServe on-line conferencing system - consulting for peanuts DECnotes Script provided by Roland Kessi, 21 February 1996