TPU Relics from the late 1980s

These are the files I never quite brought myself to throw away.

In the mid- and late-1980s some of my student workers and I wrote a modified version of the EDT-emulator for TPU that incorporated a number of enhancements and bug-fixes. I wrote it up for the PAGESWAPPER, as the VAX SIG Newsletter was then known, and submitted it from Kalamazoo College (where I was then employed) to the DECUS VAX SIG Symposium Tape for Anaheim, 1987.

As it turns out, I still have the TPU source code of the section file, and the DSR source code of the two Pageswapper articles describing our work. I said in comp.os.vms that I could almost certainly put them where interested people could grab them, if there are in fact interested people. David J. Dachtera asked, so here they are.

We found that a memory-starved VAX-11/750 could handle perhaps 50% more users (with the same subjective response time) with TPU than with EDT as the default editor (most work was student programming projects and term papers -- relatively modest-sized text files). Whether this would apply to current systems, with their much different balances between RAM size and CPU speed is of course quite another question.

I doubt that this could be applied directly to any version of TPU more recent than the one that came with VMS V4.7, but there might be some parts that would prove useful. -- complete with hard-coded devices and directories

tpuini.tpu -- as I used it.

[.tpuwork] -- the subdirectory with all the other goodies.

Dick Piccard revised this file ( on November 6, 2000.

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