DECUServe VMS Conference 3064.13 [Next-Reply] [Prev-Reply] [Next-Topic] [Prev-Topic] [ConfDir-Paged-New>Old] [ConfDir-Paged-Old>New] [ConfDir-All-New>Old][ConfDir-All-Old>New] Directory of conferences This topic directory --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note 3064.13 X10 / X-10 / BSR / Home Automation 13 of 15 EISNER::MALMBERG "John Malmberg" 24 lines 22-JAN-2000 14:01 -< An X-10 hacker resource >- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some stuff of interest to the X-10 Hacker: This is the home page of the "Circuit Cellar" Magazine, that regularly runs X-10 articles. This magazine gets down into the details of the specification and such, and has a lot of useful ideas. Back issues seem to be available on CD-ROM. They also seem to accept (and pay for) contributed articles. The major problem that I have had with the X-10 devices is the failure rate. Every other year one seems to die on average, but it usually goes in spurts. It is a far higher failure rate than I have seen with any other electronic device. The units that have failed for me all have the Radio Shack brand on them. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Next-Reply] [Prev-Reply] [Next-Topic] [Prev-Topic] [ConfDir-Paged-New>Old] [ConfDir-Paged-Old>New] [ConfDir-All-New>Old][ConfDir-All-Old>New] Directory of conferences This topic directory --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECUServe on-line conferencing system - consulting for peanuts DECnotes Script provided by Roland Kessi, 21 February 1996