Hunter Goatley collection, from new material on his website. A2PS.ZIP;1 ASCII to Postscript conversion AAAREADME.TXT;1 AVFS-0_9_3_TAR.GZ;1 CALLABLE-PING.ZIP;2 Callable ping util CVTLIS.ZIP;1 Convert .lis to source. FLIST.ZIP;1 File and directory manager FREE.ZIP;1 Shows blockusage for mounted disks FTP_MIRROR.ZIP;1 Mirror an FTP site HGFTP.ZIP;4 Better FTP client and server JUMP.ZIP;4 Become another user w/o knowing their password MGFTP.ZIP;3 older better FTP client and server MGPCX.ZIP;1 Read/write PC format floppies MX042.INFORMATION;3 Mailer program MX042.RELEASENOTES;3 MX042.ZIP;3 MX042_KIT_FIXES.ZIP;3 MX042_SRC.ZIP;2 MX042_SRC_UPDATE_WITH_ANTI_RELAY.ZIP;3 NBS.ZIP;1 Set time to NBS time NETLIB023.ZIP;1 Stack independent tcp/ip networking ODS2.ZIP;1 Read ods-2 disks on Windows etc. w/src TAIL.ZIP;1 Show tail end of a file, possibly continuously UAF.ZIP;2 Search UAF and guess passwords, show up too-easy passwords. UNZIP_5_50.ZIP;1 Uncompress .zip files VDD64.ZIP;2 Virtual disk on contiguous files or chunks of unmounted disk. No need to mou/for/sys any more VERB.ZIP;2 Display DCL .CLD definitions from DCL tables VMSTAR.ZIP;2 TAR format read/write/list utility WATCHER.ZIP;1 Idle terminal logout