$! File: setup_PYTHON_build.com $! $! This file sets up logical name search lists that are used to build $! the PYTHON project on a VMS system. $! $! 29-APR-2002 21:47:22 MALMBERG Generated by CONFIGURE_THIS.COM $! $!======================================================================== $! $! $! First find out what type of CPU model we are on $!------------------------------------------------ $hw_model = f$getsyi("HW_MODEL") $if hw_model .ge. 1000 $then $ arch = "AXP" $ __ALPHA__ == "TRUE" $else $ arch = "VAX" $ __VAX__ == "TRUE" $endif $! $! $procedure = f$environment("PROCEDURE") $device = f$parse(procedure,,,"DEVICE") $direct = f$parse(procedure,,,"DIRECTORY") $! $my_default = f$environment("DEFAULT") $my_dev = f$parse(my_default,,,"DEVICE") $my_dir = f$parse(my_default,,,"DIRECTORY") $source_dir = my_dev + my_dir $source_dir_len = f$length(source_dir) $dl = f$extract(source_dir_len - 1, 1, source_dir) $src = f$extract(0, source_dir_len -1, source_dir) $! $! $! This is the base path to the original GNU sources $!-------------------------------------------------- $gsrc = "PROJECT_ROOT:[PYTHON" $! $! $! This is the base path to the CMS library for the sources $!--------------------------------------------------------- $cms_p = "CMS_ROOT:[PYTHON_VMS" $! $! $! Logical names to build against $!-------------------------------- $define/job lcl_src 'source_dir' $define/job ref_src 'cms_p''dl','gsrc''dl' $define/job prj_src lcl_src:,ref_src: $! $! Now loop through the work directories and set up a $! a search path for the build. $!-------------------------------------------------------- $dir_loop1: $ dpath = f$search("''src'...''dl'*.dir",1) $ if dpath .eqs. "" then goto dir_loop1_end $ dfn = f$parse(dpath,,,"NAME") $ tdpath = f$parse(dpath,,,"DIRECTORY") - dl $ ndir_path = device + tdpath - src - "." $ if ndir_path .nes. "" $ then $ i = 0 $ tn = "" $dir_loop2: $ tn1 = f$element(i,".",ndir_path) $ if tn1 .eqs. "" .or. tn1 .eqs. "." then goto dir_loop2_end $ i = i + 1 $ tn = tn + "_" + tn1 $ goto dir_loop2 $dir_loop2_end: $ df = tn + "_" + dfn $ df2 = "." + ndir_path + "." + dfn + dl $ else $ df = "_" + dfn $ df2 = "." + dfn + dl $ endif $ define/job lcl'df' 'src''df2' $ define/job ref'df' 'cms_p''df2','gsrc''df2' $ define/job prj'df' lcl'df':,ref'df': $ goto dir_loop1 $dir_loop1_end: $! $all_exit: $exit