Gnu Utilities This area contains Gnu utils since last time. Gnumeric is a spreadsheet, superset of Excel. Gnucash is a money manager. Glibc and Gcc are C compiler and library (and fortran compiler and some more). Gnupg is a PGP more or less clone that lets you encrypt communications safely. AAAREADME.TXT;1 DIRMNGR-0_5_1_TAR.GZ;1 GAWK-3_1_3_TAR.BZ2;1 GCC-3_3_3.TAR-BZ2;1 GLIBC-2_3_2_TAR.BZ2;1 GNUCASH-1_8_5_TAR.GZ;1 GNUMERIC-1_2_5.TAR-BZ2;1 GNUPG-1_2_4_TAR.BZ2;1 GNUPG-1_9_3_TAR.BZ2;1