RDESKTOP a Windows Terminal Client - VMS Implementation

Sometimes -very seldom- I have a need to use our inhouse Windows server, and want to stay at my usual VMS/DECWindows place.
Matt Chapman has written the program rdesktop to access Windows terminal servers.
Here is a quick port of rdesktop 1.2.0 for VMS in my rdesktop directory
Please take it as very preliminary: nothing optimized, especially the event loop, but it works for me.
File vms_readme.txt explains details,changes,and errors I made.

Homepage for rdesktop is   www.rdesktop.org
Get the distribution from there, and copy the few changed routines from my rdesktop directory , vms_source.zip over the original.
All changes are marked with "#ifdef __VMS" preprocessor directives.
vms_source.zip also contains DCL command files to compile and link.

2003-06-03 huber@mppmu.mpg.de updated: 2003-07-31