Directory [HUBER.PDS.STUFF] This is an unsorted archive of programs collected over years mainly from comp.os.vms postings and notes discussions. It is by no means a legal and up-to-date mirror of freeware archives elsewhere. Please first look into the usual archives before getting a software from here. Some of the sources have been edited and readied to compile, some are just as saved from the newsreader. Packages are in their respective subdirectories, single programs and routines are in 'language' directories: [.c] C source files [.for] Fortran source [.com] executables and build files [.mar] Vax Macro [.pas] Pascal [.cld] command definitions [.readme] some docu others see *.dir If not otherwise stated in individual files, programs are assumed to be covered by the GNU general public license, which can be read in file gpl.txt . Filenames in packages are those after unpacking on a VMS ODS2 volume, i.e. case is not preserved, and they are not suitable for non-VMS systems. -- J.Huber,