BZIP2 1.0.3 Changes for VMS =========================== ***************** * PRELIMINARY * ***************** 2005-09-27 SMS. - Changed on VMS to use "BZIP2_OPTS" and "BZIP_OPTS" as option "environment variables" (instead of "BZIP2" and "BZIP") to avoid colliding with foreign command symbols. - Changed on VMS to use "-bz2" and "-out" instead of ".bz2" and ".out" on new compressed and uncompressed file names, respectively. - Added "-bz" and "-bz2" to the list of recognized suffixes for compressed file names. Changed suffix recognition on VMS to be case-insensitive and to ignore file versions. - Added VMS wild-card file name expansion on VMS. - Added non-default RMS parameter setting on VMS for better I/O speed. - Command line case is preserved if SET PROCESS /PARSE_STYLE = EXTENDED. - Added MMS/MMK builder files.